descriptionA gruvbox colorscheme for mutt and neomutt
ownerStefan Huber
last changeWed, 26 Jan 2022 16:08:21 +0000 (17:08 +0100)
2022-01-26 Stefan HuberImprove link highlighting master
2022-01-22 Stefan HuberAnother try for link highlighting
2022-01-19 Stefan HuberMajor update of URL syntax highlighting
2022-01-15 Stefan HuberFix highlighting URLS with schema
2021-02-20 Stefan HuberREADME: Fix source paths
2021-02-17 Stefan HuberREADME: Add screenshot
2021-02-17 Stefan HuberLimit regex repetition to 255
2021-02-16 Stefan HuberUpdate README on installation and more
2021-02-16 Stefan HuberInitial commit
2 years ago master