renaming shbackup to sitarba
authorStefan Huber <>
Mon, 21 May 2012 10:43:18 +0000 (12:43 +0200)
committerStefan Huber <>
Mon, 21 May 2012 10:43:18 +0000 (12:43 +0200)
shbackup [deleted file]
sitarba.1 [moved from shbackup.1 with 89% similarity]
sitarba.conf [moved from shbackup.conf with 97% similarity]
sitarba.docbook [moved from shbackup.docbook with 92% similarity]

index 408a6adf29c846311fddbfa2e2ded1e4abc1989e..d565b1542d78b2c7fcce2ae8625f9467fe275076 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ PREFIX=/usr
 # Where the script binary should go
 MANPATH = $(PREFIX)/share/man
 # Where the script binary should go
 MANPATH = $(PREFIX)/share/man
-CONFFILE = $(PREFIX)/share/shbackup.conf.sample
+CONFFILE = $(PREFIX)/share/sitarba.conf.sample
 install: all
 install: all
-       install -m 0755 shbackup $(BINPATH)/shbackup
-       install -m 0644 shbackup.conf $(CONFFILE)
-       install -m 0644 shbackup.1 $(MANPATH)/man1/shbackup.1
+       install -m 0755 sitarba $(BINPATH)/sitarba
+       install -m 0644 sitarba.conf $(CONFFILE)
+       install -m 0644 sitarba.1 $(MANPATH)/man1/sitarba.1
-manpage: shbackup.1
+manpage: sitarba.1
-shbackup.1: shbackup.docbook
+sitarba.1: sitarba.docbook $<
diff --git a/shbackup b/shbackup
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e57e250..0000000
--- a/shbackup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-"""A simple backup solution."""
-__version__ = "2.0"
-__author__ = "Stefan Huber"
-import datetime
-import os, shutil, sys
-import configparser
-import hashlib
-import subprocess, fcntl, select
-import random, re
-import logging
-Modes = ["full", "incr", "diff"]
-class Epoch:
-    units = {
-                "hour" : datetime.timedelta(0, 3600),
-                "day" : datetime.timedelta(1),
-                "week" : datetime.timedelta(7),
-                "month" : datetime.timedelta(31),
-                "year" : datetime.timedelta(365) }
-    def __init__(self, unit=None, mult=1, mode="full", numkeeps=None):
-        self.unit = unit
-        self.mult = mult
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.numkeeps = numkeeps
-        self.excludes = []
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "[unit: " + repr(self.unit) + \
-                ", mult:" + repr(self.mult) + \
-                ", mode: " + repr(self.mode) + \
-                ", numkeeps: " + repr(self.numkeeps) + \
-                ", excludes: " + repr(self.excludes) + "]"
-    def getTimeDelta(self):
-        if self.unit == None:
-            return None
-        return self.mult*Epoch.units[self.unit]
-    def isRipe(self, oldest, now):
-        if self.unit==None:
-            return True
-        delta = now-oldest
-        mult = self.mult
-        if delta >= self.getTimeDelta():
-            return True
-        if self.unit == "hour":
-            return abs(now.hour - oldest.hour) >= mult
-        elif self.unit == "day":
-            return abs( - >= mult
-        elif self.unit == "week":
-            return abs(now.isocalendar()[1] - oldest.isocalendar()[1]) >= mult
-        elif self.unit == "month":
-            return abs(now.month - oldest.month) >= mult
-        elif self.unit == "year":
-            return abs(now.year - oldest.year) >= mult
-        return None
-    @staticmethod
-    def parseTimedelta( deltastr ):
-        tokens = [ s.strip() for s in deltastr.split("*") ]
-        unit = None
-        mult = 1
-        if len(tokens) == 1:
-            unit = tokens[0]
-        elif len(tokens) == 2:
-            mult = int(tokens[0])
-            unit = tokens[1]
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Invalid format: '{0}'".format(deltastr))
-        if not unit in Epoch.units:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown unit '{0}'".format(unit))
-        if mult <= 0:
-            raise ValueError("Non-positive factor '{0}' given.".format(mult))
-        return mult, unit
-class FileSet:
-    """A fileset has a name and a list of directories."""
-    def __init__(self, name, dirs, excludes):
- = name
-        self.dirs = dirs
-        self.excludes = excludes
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "[name: " + + \
-                ", dirs: " + str(self.dirs) + \
-                ", excludes: " + str(self.excludes) + "]"
-class Backup:
-    """A single backup has a date, an epoch and a mode."""
-    def __init__(self, date, epoch, mode):
- = date
-        self.epoch = epoch
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.excludes = []
-    @staticmethod
-    def fromDirName(dirname):
-            [strdate, strtime, epoch, mode] = dirname.split("-")
-            if not mode in Modes:
-                raise ValueError("Invalid mode: " + mode)
-            date = datetime.datetime(int(strdate[0:4]),
-                    int(strdate[4:6]), int(strdate[6:8]),\
-                    int(strtime[0:2]), int(strtime[2:4]))
-            return Backup(date, epoch, mode)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "[date: " + + \
-                ", epoch: " + self.epoch + \
-                ", mode: " + self.mode + "]"
-    def colAlignedString(self):
-        age = -
-        total_hours = age.total_seconds()/3600
-        if total_hours <= 48:
-            agestr = "(%s h)" % int(total_hours)
-        else:
-            agestr = "(%s d)" % age.days
-        return "%16s  %7s  %10s  %4s" % (
-      "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), agestr,
-                self.epoch, self.mode)
-    @staticmethod
-    def getDirName(date, epoch, mode):
-        """Get directory name of backup by given properties."""
-        return date.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") + "-" + epoch + "-" + mode
-    @staticmethod
-    def isBackupDir(dirname):
-        """Is directory a backup directory?"""
-        p = re.compile(r'^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d-\w+-\w+$')
-        return p.match(dirname)
-class Config:
-    """Encapsules the configuration for the backup program."""
-    class ReadError(RuntimeError):
-        """An exception raised when reading configurations."""
-        def __init__(self, value):
-            self.value = value
-            self.message = value
-    formats = ["tar", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz" ]
-    # Filename where checksum of config is saved
-    checksumfn = "checksum"
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.backupdir = None
-        self.format = self.formats[1]
-        self.tarbin = "/bin/tar"
-        self.excludes = []
-        self.sets = []
-        self.checksum = None
-        self.lastchecksum = None
-        self.epochs = Epochs = { "sporadic" : Epoch() }
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "[backupdir: " + self.backupdir + \
-                                 ", format: " + self.format + \
-                                 ", tarbin: " + self.tarbin + \
-                                 ", excludes: " + repr(self.excludes) + \
-                  ", epochs: " + repr(self.epochs) + \
-                                 ", sets: " + repr(self.sets) + "]"
-    def getRealEpochsSorted(self):
-        """Return all epochs with have a non-None unit, sorted by
-        Epoch.getTimeDelta(), starting with the longest dela."""
-        epochs = self.epochs
-        realepochs = [ e for e in epochs.keys() if epochs[e].unit != None ]
-        deltakey = lambda e: epochs[e].getTimeDelta()
-        realepochs.sort(key=deltakey, reverse=True)
-        return realepochs
-    def _read_global(self, config, sec):
-        for opt in config.options(sec):
-            if opt=="backupdir":
-                self.backupdir = config.get(sec, opt)
-                if not os.path.isdir(self.backupdir):
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Backupdir '{0}' does not exist.".format(self.backupdir))
-            elif opt=="format":
-                self.format = config.get(sec, opt)
-                if not self.format in Config.formats:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Invalid 'format' given.")
-            elif opt=="tarbin":
-                self.tarbin = config.get(sec, opt)
-                if not os.path.isfile(self.tarbin):
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Tar binary '{0}' does not exist.".format(self.tarbin))
-            elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
-                self.excludes += [ config.get(sec, opt) ]
-            else:
-                raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '{0}'.".format(opt))
-    def _read_epoch(self, config, sec):
-        name = sec[6:].strip()
-        e = Epoch()
-        if name in self.epochs:
-            raise Config.ReadError("Epoch '{0}' already defined.".format(name))
-        if name in Epoch.units:
-            e.unit = name
-        for opt in config.options(sec):
-            if opt=="numkeeps":
-                try:
-                    e.numkeeps = int(config.getint(sec, opt))
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Invalid integer given for '{0}'.".format(opt))
-                if e.numkeeps <= 0:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Non-positive numkeeps '{0}' given.".format(e.numkeeps))
-            elif opt=="mode":
-                e.mode = config.get(sec, opt)
-                if not e.mode in Modes:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Invalid mode '{0}'.".format(e.mode))
-            elif opt=="timespan":
-                if name in Epoch.units:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("The time delta of a standard epoch " + \
-                            "is not supposed to be redefined. ")
-                td = config.get(sec,opt)
-                try:
-                    mult, unit = Epoch.parseTimedelta(td)
-                    e.unit = unit
-                    e.mult = mult
-                except ValueError as e:
-                    raise Config.ReadError("Invalid timespan '{0}': {1}".format(td, str(e)))
-            elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
-                e.excludes += [config.get(sec, opt)]
-            else:
-                raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '" + opt + "'.")
-        if e.numkeeps == None:
-            raise Config.ReadError("No numkeeps set for epoch '{0}'.".format(name))
-        self.epochs[name] = e
-    def _read_set(self, config, sec):
-        name = sec[4:].strip()
-        dirs = []
-        excludes = []
-        for opt in config.options(sec):
-            if opt.startswith("dir"):
-                dirs += [config.get(sec, opt)]
-            elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
-                excludes += [config.get(sec,opt)]
-            else:
-                raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '" + opt + "'.")
-        self.sets += [FileSet(name, dirs, excludes)]
-    def read(self, filename):
-        """Read configuration from file"""
-        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-            raise Config.ReadError("Cannot read config file '" + filename + "'.")
-        config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
-        for reqsec in ["global"]:
-            if not config.has_section(reqsec):
-                raise Config.ReadError("Mandatory section '" + reqsec + "' is missing.")
-        for sec in config.sections():
-            if sec=="global":
-                self._read_global(config, sec)
-            elif sec.startswith("epoch "):
-                self._read_epoch(config, sec)
-            elif sec.startswith("set "):
-                self._read_set(config, sec)
-            else:
-                raise Config.ReadError("Unknown section '" + sec + "'.")
-        if self.backupdir == None:
-            raise Config.ReadError("No backup directory set.")
-        # Compute checksum of config file
-        m = hashlib.sha1()
-        f = open(filename, 'rb')
-        try:
-            m.update(
-            self.checksum = m.hexdigest()
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        try:
-            f = open(os.path.join(self.backupdir, self.checksumfn), 'r')
-            self.lastchecksum =
-            f.close()
-        except IOError:
-            self.lastchecksum = None
-class BackupManager:
-    """List and create backups"""
-    def __init__(self, conffn):
-        self.conf = Config()
-    def listAllDirs(self):
-        """List all dirs in backupdir"""
-        # Get all entries
-        basedir = self.conf.backupdir
-        dirs = os.listdir(basedir)
-        # Filter directories
-        return [ d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, d)) ]
-    def listOldBackups(self):
-        """Returns a list of old backups."""
-        backups = []
-        for entry in [ b for b in self.listAllDirs() if Backup.isBackupDir(b) ]:
-            backups += [ Backup.fromDirName(entry) ]
-        return backups
-    def getDesiredEpochs(self, backups, now):
-        """Get desired epoch based on self.configuration and list of old backups"""
-        # Find the longest epoch for which we would like the make a backup
-        latest = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
-        for e in self.conf.getRealEpochsSorted():
-            epoch = self.conf.epochs[e]
-            if epoch.numkeeps <= 0:
-                continue
-            # Get backups of that epoch
-            byepoch = list(sorted( [ b for b in backups if b.epoch==e], \
-                key=lambda b:
-            # If there are any, determine the latest
-            if len(byepoch) > 0:
-                latest = max(latest, byepoch[-1].date )
-            if epoch.isRipe(latest, now):
-                return e
-        # No backup is to be made
-        return None
-    def backupFileSet(self, fileset, targetdir, excludes, since=None):
-        """Create an archive for given fileset at given target directory."""
-        logfile = logging.getLogger('backuplog')
-"Running file set: " +
-        fsfn = os.path.join(targetdir, + "." + self.conf.format
-        taropts = []
-        # Add the since date, if given
-        if since != None:
-            taropts += ["-N", since.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
-        # Add the exclude patterns
-        for pat in excludes:
-            taropts += ["--exclude", pat]
-        #Add exclude patterns from fileset
-        for pat in fileset.excludes:
-            taropts += ["--exclude", pat]
-        # Adding directories to backup
-        taropts += ["-C", "/"] + [ "./" + d.lstrip("/") for d in fileset.dirs]
-        # Launch the tar process
-        tarargs = [self.conf.tarbin] + ["-cpvaf", fsfn] + taropts
-        logfile.debug("tar call: " + " ".join(tarargs))
-        tarp = subprocess.Popen( tarargs, bufsize=-1, \
-                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
-        # Change tarp's stdout and stderr to non-blocking
-        for s in [tarp.stdout, tarp.stderr]:
-            fd = s.fileno()
-            fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
-            fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
-        # Read stdout and stderr of tarp
-        errmsg = b""
-        while tarp.poll() == None:
-            rd,wr,ex =[tarp.stdout, tarp.stderr], [], [], 0.05)
-            if tarp.stdout in rd:
-                logging.debug( tarp.stdout.readline()[:-1].decode() )
-            if tarp.stderr in rd:
-                errmsg +=
-        # Get the remainging output of tarp
-        for l in tarp.stdout.readlines():
-            logging.debug(l.decode().rstrip())
-        errmsg +=
-        # Get return code of tarp
-        rett = tarp.wait()
-        if rett != 0:
-            for l in errmsg.decode().split("\n"):
-                logfile.error(l)
-            logfile.error(self.conf.tarbin + " returned with exit status " + \
-                   str(rett) + ".")
-    def backup(self, epoch=None, mode=None):
-        """Make a new backup, if necessary. If epoch is None then determine
-        desired epoch automatically. Use given epoch otherwise. If mode is None
-        then use mode for given epoch. Use given mode otherwise."""
-        now =
-        oldbackups = self.listOldBackups()
-        # Get epoch of backup
-        if epoch == None:
-            epoch = self.getDesiredEpochs(oldbackups, now)
-        if epoch == None:
-  "No backup planned.")
-            return
-        # Get mode of backup
-        if mode == None:
-            mode = self.conf.epochs[epoch].mode
-"Making a backup. Epochs: " + epoch + ", mode: " + mode)
-        oldfullbackups = [ b for b in oldbackups if b.mode == "full" ]
-        # No old full backups existing
-        if mode != "full" and len(oldfullbackups)==0:
-  "No full backups existing. Making a full backup.")
-        # Checksum changed -> self.config file changed
-        if self.conf.checksum != self.conf.lastchecksum and mode != "full":
-            logging.warning("Full backup recommended as config file has changed.")
-        # If we have a full backup, we backup everything
-        since = None
-        if mode == "diff":
-            since = sorted(oldfullbackups, key=lambda b:[-1].date
-        elif mode == "incr":
-            since = sorted(oldbackups, key=lambda b:[-1].date
-        if since != None:
-            logging.debug("Making backup relative to " + since.ctime())
-        yesno = self.ask_user_yesno("Proceed? [Y, n] ")
-        if yesno == "n":
-            return
-        # Create new backup directory
-        basedir = self.conf.backupdir
-        dirname = Backup.getDirName(now, epoch, mode)
-        tmpdirname = dirname + ("-%x" % (random.random()*2e16) )
-        targetdir = os.path.join(basedir, tmpdirname)
-        os.mkdir( targetdir )
-        # Add file logger
-        logfile = logging.getLogger("backuplog")
-        fil = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(targetdir, "log") )
-        fil.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        logfile.addHandler(fil)
-"Started: " + now.ctime())
-        # Backup all file sets
-        for s in self.conf.sets:
-            excludes = self.conf.excludes + self.conf.epochs[epoch].excludes
-            self.backupFileSet(s, targetdir, excludes, since)
-"Stopped: " +
-        # Rename backup directory to final name
-        os.rename( targetdir, os.path.join(basedir, dirname) )
-        # We made a full backup -- recall checksum of config
-        if mode == "full":
-            f = open( os.path.join(basedir, self.conf.checksumfn), "w")
-            f.write( self.conf.checksum )
-            f.close()
-    def prune(self):
-        """Prune old backup files"""
-        allDirs = sorted(self.listAllDirs())
-        # Collect all directories not matching backup name
-        removeDirs = [ d for d in allDirs if not Backup.isBackupDir(d) ]
-        # Get all directories which are kept
-        backups = self.listOldBackups()
-        keepdirs = []
-        byepoch = { e : list(sorted( [ b for b in backups if b.epoch == e ], \
-                key=lambda b :, reverse=True)) for e in self.conf.getRealEpochsSorted() }
-        for e in byepoch:
-            epoch = self.conf.epochs[e]
-            old = byepoch[e][epoch.numkeeps:]
-            removeDirs += [ Backup.getDirName(, b.epoch, b.mode) for b in old]
-"List of stale/outdated entries:")
-        for d in allDirs:
-            msg = ""
-            if d in removeDirs:
-                msg = "[*]  "
-            else:
-                msg = "[ ]  "
-            if Backup.isBackupDir(d):
-                msg += Backup.fromDirName(d).colAlignedString()
-            else:
-                msg += d
-        # Check that dirs to be removed is in list of all dirs
-        for d in removeDirs:
-            assert( d in allDirs )
-        if len(removeDirs) == 0:
-  "No stale/outdated entries to remove.")
-            return
-        basedir = self.conf.backupdir
-        yesno = self.ask_user_yesno("Remove entries marked by '*'? [y, N] ")
-        if yesno == "y":
-            for d in removeDirs:
-                try:
-                    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(basedir, d))
-                except OSError as e:
-                    logging.error("Error when removing '%s': %s" % (d,e.strerror) )
-    def ask_user_yesno(self, question):
-        if LogConf.con.level <= logging.INFO:
-            return input(question)
-        else:
-            return "y"
-def printUsage():
-    """Print --help text"""
-    print("shbackup - a simple backup solution.")
-    print("")
-    print("Usage:")
-    print("  " + sys.argv[0] + " {options} [cmd]")
-    print("  " + sys.argv[0] + " --help")
-    print("")
-    print("Commands:")
-    print("  backup                     make a new backup, if necessary")
-    print("  list                       list all backups (default)")
-    print("  prune                      prune outdated/old backups")
-    print("")
-    print("Options:")
-    print("  -h, --help                 print this usage text")
-    print("  -c, --conf FILE            use given configuration file")
-    print("                             default: /etc/shbackup.conf")
-    print("  -e, --epoch EPOCH          force to create backup for given epoch, which")
-    print("                             can be 'sporadic' or one of the configured epochs")
-    print("  -m, --mode MODE            override mode: full, diff, or incr")
-    print("  -v, --verbose              be more verbose and interact with user")
-    print("  --verbosity LEVEL          set verbosity to LEVEL, which can be")
-    print("                             error, warning, info, debug")
-    print("  -V, --version              print version info")
-class LogConf:
-    """Encapsulates logging configuration"""
-    con = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
-    @classmethod
-    def setup(cls):
-        """Setup logging system"""
-        conlog = logging.getLogger()
-        conlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        cls.con.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-        conlog.addHandler(cls.con)
-        fillog = logging.getLogger("backuplog")
-        fillog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    LogConf.setup()
-    conffn = "/etc/shbackup.conf"
-    cmd = "list"
-    mode = None
-    epoch = None
-    i = 0
-    while i < len(sys.argv)-1:
-        i += 1
-        opt = sys.argv[i]
-        if opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
-            printUsage()
-            exit(0)
-        elif opt in ["-c", "--conf"]:
-            i += 1
-            conffn = sys.argv[i]
-        elif opt in ["-V", "--version"]:
-            print("shbackup " + __version__)
-            exit(0)
-        elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]:
-            LogConf.con.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-        elif opt in ["--verbosity"]:
-            i += 1
-            level = sys.argv[i]
-            numlevel = getattr(logging, level.upper(), None)
-            if not isinstance(numlevel, int):
-                raise ValueError('Invalid verbosity level: %s' % level)
-            LogConf.con.setLevel(numlevel)
-        elif opt in ["-m", "--mode"]:
-            i += 1
-            mode = sys.argv[i]
-            if not mode in Modes:
-                logging.error("Unknown mode '" + mode + "'.")
-                exit(1)
-        elif opt in ["-e", "--epoch"]:
-            i += 1
-            epoch = sys.argv[i]
-        elif opt in ["backup", "list", "prune"]:
-            cmd = opt
-        else:
-            logging.error("Unknown option: " + opt)
-            exit(1)
-    try:
-        man = BackupManager(conffn)
-        logging.debug("Config: " + str(man.conf))
-        if epoch!=None and not epoch in man.conf.epochs.keys():
-            logging.error("Unknown epoch '" + epoch + "'.")
-            exit(1)
-        if cmd == "backup":
-            man.backup(epoch, mode)
-        if cmd == "list":
-            for b in sorted(man.listOldBackups(), key=lambda b:
-                print(b.colAlignedString())
-        if cmd == "prune":
-            man.prune()
-    except (Config.ReadError, configparser.Error) as e:
-        logging.error("Error: " + e.message)
similarity index 89%
rename from shbackup.1
rename to sitarba.1
index e2b5fc60b3c3771d3d803a5112e92a67e3a45b41..07139cbc4ae66a5e0744968d81abe0468a60e725 100644 (file)
+++ b/sitarba.1
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 \\$2 \(la\\$1\(ra\\$3
 .if \n(.g .mso www.tmac
 \\$2 \(la\\$1\(ra\\$3
 .if \n(.g .mso www.tmac
-.TH shbackup 1 2012-05-13 "" ""
+.TH sitarba 1 2012-05-13 "" ""
-shbackup \- a simple backup solution
+sitarba \- a simple backup solution
 .ad l
 .ad l
-\fBshbackup\fR \kx
+\fBsitarba\fR \kx
 .if (\nx>(\n(.l/2)) .nr x (\n(.l/5)
 'in \n(.iu+\nxu
 [options] {\fIcommand\fR}
 .if (\nx>(\n(.l/2)) .nr x (\n(.l/5)
 'in \n(.iu+\nxu
 [options] {\fIcommand\fR}
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ shbackup \- a simple backup solution
 .ad b
 .ad b
-\fBshbackup\fR is a simple backup solution
+\fBsitarba\fR is a simple backup solution
 which packs user-defined file sets with tar. Each
 backup belongs to an epoch, which is 'sporadic' or one
 of the user-defined epochs. Standard epochs are year,
 month, week, day, or hour. The backup can be made
 either full, differential or incremental.
 which packs user-defined file sets with tar. Each
 backup belongs to an epoch, which is 'sporadic' or one
 of the user-defined epochs. Standard epochs are year,
 month, week, day, or hour. The backup can be made
 either full, differential or incremental.
-\fBshbackup\fR takes care for pruning old
+\fBsitarba\fR takes care for pruning old
 backups. The user defines for every epoch the number of
 backups to keep, except for 'sporadic'. Sporadic
 backups need to be removed manually.
 backups. The user defines for every epoch the number of
 backups to keep, except for 'sporadic'. Sporadic
 backups need to be removed manually.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Print out a help summary.
 \*(T<\fB\-c, \-\-conf FILE\fR\*(T>
 Use given configuration file instead of
 \*(T<\fB\-c, \-\-conf FILE\fR\*(T>
 Use given configuration file instead of
 \*(T<\fB\-e, \-\-epoch EPOCH\fR\*(T>
 Do not determine epoch automatically, but
 \*(T<\fB\-e, \-\-epoch EPOCH\fR\*(T>
 Do not determine epoch automatically, but
similarity index 97%
rename from shbackup.conf
rename to sitarba.conf
index 11bfa92881764b8f7741f7cf4dac83e2f6d29a29..bd316a85ac55c6619bbfab85596d1ac3fa03ab13 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Where shbackup stores the backups and other stuff
+# Where sitarba stores the backups and other stuff
 backupdir = /media/backup
 # Which format should be used by tar?
 backupdir = /media/backup
 # Which format should be used by tar?
similarity index 92%
rename from shbackup.docbook
rename to sitarba.docbook
index 36741d98c4fb266bddd24fcc310830d971f9ba9d..1eacde1653bf9a99ad8b0c832eb47f3770aeffb6 100644 (file)
-               <refentrytitle>shbackup</refentrytitle>
+               <refentrytitle>sitarba</refentrytitle>
-               <refname>shbackup</refname> 
+               <refname>sitarba</refname> 
                <refpurpose>a simple backup solution</refpurpose>
                <refpurpose>a simple backup solution</refpurpose>
-                       <command>shbackup</command>
+                       <command>sitarba</command>
                        <arg choice="req"><replaceable>command</replaceable></arg>
                        <arg choice="req"><replaceable>command</replaceable></arg>
-                       <command>shbackup</command> is a simple backup solution
+                       <command>sitarba</command> is a simple backup solution
                        which packs user-defined file sets with tar. Each
                        backup belongs to an epoch, which is 'sporadic' or one
                        of the user-defined epochs. Standard epochs are year,
                        month, week, day, or hour. The backup can be made
                        either full, differential or incremental.
                        which packs user-defined file sets with tar. Each
                        backup belongs to an epoch, which is 'sporadic' or one
                        of the user-defined epochs. Standard epochs are year,
                        month, week, day, or hour. The backup can be made
                        either full, differential or incremental.
-                       <command>shbackup</command> takes care for pruning old
+                       <command>sitarba</command> takes care for pruning old
                        backups. The user defines for every epoch the number of
                        backups to keep, except for 'sporadic'. Sporadic
                        backups need to be removed manually.
                        backups. The user defines for every epoch the number of
                        backups to keep, except for 'sporadic'. Sporadic
                        backups need to be removed manually.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
                        <term><option>-c, --conf FILE</option></term>
                                <para>Use given configuration file instead of
                        <term><option>-c, --conf FILE</option></term>
                                <para>Use given configuration file instead of
-                                       /etc/shbackup.conf.</para>
+                                       /etc/sitarba.conf.</para>