+++ /dev/null
-import sys, getopt, os
-import sqlite3
-import subprocess
-verbose = False
-def printStatusInfo(conn):
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT count(id) FROM jobs;")
- nototal, = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT count(id) FROM jobs WHERE done=1;")
- nodone, = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT sum(workloadestm) FROM jobs WHERE done=1;")
- wldone, = c.fetchone()
- if wldone == None:
- wldone = 0.0
- c.execute("SELECT sum(workloadestm) FROM jobs;")
- wltotal, = c.fetchone()
- c.close()
- print(nototal, nodone, wldone, wltotal)
- perdone = 100.0*float(nodone)/float(nototal)
- perwl = 100.0*float(wldone)/float(wltotal)
- print("%d (%.1f%%) of %d jobs done. %.1f%% of the workload finished." % \
- (nodone, perdone, nototal, perwl))
-def createPropertiesTable(conn, propdef):
- conn.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE")
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='properties';")
- if c.fetchone() == (0,):
- print("Creating properties table.")
- sqlstmt = "CREATE TABLE properties (\
- %s, \
- FOREIGN KEY (jobid) REFERENCES jobs (id));" % (propdef,)
- c.execute(sqlstmt)
- c.close()
- conn.commit()
-def runCmd(cmd):
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, \
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- out, err = proc.communicate()
- exitcode = proc.wait()
- if verbose:
- print(out, err)
- return exitcode, out, err
-def processJob(conn, jobid):
- print("Process job %d" % (jobid))
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT cmd FROM jobs WHERE id=?", (jobid,))
- cmd, = c.fetchone()
- ec, out, err = runCmd(cmd)
- c.execute("UPDATE jobs SET exitcode=?, done=1 WHERE id=?;", (ec, jobid))
- propstr = []
- for l in out.splitlines():
- if l.startswith("DB-PROPERTIES:"):
- propstr += [l[14:]]
- for l in err.splitlines():
- if l.startswith("DB-PROPERTIES:"):
- propstr += [l[14:]]
- prop = {}
- for ps in propstr:
- p = eval(ps)
- for k, v in p.iteritems():
- prop[k] = v
- if len(prop) > 0:
- collist = ", ".join([str(k) for k in prop.keys()])
- collist = "jobid, " + collist
- vallist = ", ".join(["?" for k in prop.keys()])
- vallist = "?, " + vallist
- c = conn.cursor()
- sqlstmt = "INSERT INTO properties (%s) VALUES (%s);" % (collist,vallist)
- c.execute(sqlstmt, [jobid] + list(prop.values()))
- c.close()
- conn.commit()
-def insertJobs(conn, cmds):
- conn.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE")
- conn.executemany("INSERT INTO jobs (cmd) VALUES (?);", cmds)
- conn.commit()
-def createSchema(conn):
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE")
- # Create table, if necessary
- c.execute("SELECT count(name) FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='jobs';")
- if c.fetchone() == (0,):
- print("Creating jobs table.")
- conn.execute("CREATE TABLE jobs ( \
- started BOOL DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL, \
- exitcode INTEGER, \
- workloadestm REAL DEFAULT (1) NOT NULL)")
- c.close()
- conn.commit()
-def getNextJobId(conn):
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE")
- c.execute("SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE NOT started=1 LIMIT 1;")
- r = c.fetchone()
- if r == None:
- return None
- jobid, = r
- conn.execute("UPDATE jobs SET started=1 WHERE id=?;", (jobid,))
- c.close()
- conn.commit()
- return jobid
-def usage():
- """Print usage text of this program"""
- print("""
-Take the jobs defined in jobs table of the given database and process one job
-after the other. Multiple instances may be launched against the same database.
- {0} [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS] -d database
- {0} -h
- -c cmdfn add jobs from the file with list of commands
- -h print this text
- -s print status information
- -w work on the database
- -d database the database to process
- -p cols-def create properties table with SQL column spec
- -v print output of the job's command
-Commands may be combined in one call of {0}.
-A list of jobs may be importet line-by-line from a file using the -c option.
-Every job may output to stdout or stderr a string of the form
- DB-PROPERTIES: {{ "key": "value", "key2": 1.23, "key3": True }}
-It is assumed that a table 'properties' exists with the columns jobid, key,
-key2, and key3. The corresponding values are inserted into this table. Using
-the option -p such a properties table can be created by giving a list of
-column definitions in SQL style.
-The jobs table also contains a 'workloadestm' column that is used when
-estimating the finished workload so far. The entries default to 1 and may be
-set externally.
- # create cmds.sh with jobs
- echo "ulimit -v 2000000 -t 1200; ./isprime 65535" > cmds.sh
- echo "ulimit -v 2000000 -t 1200; ./isprime 65537" >> cmds.sh
- # create an initial database, but do not work
- {0} -d jobs.db -c cmds.sh \\
- -p 'number INTEGER, time REAL, mem INTEGER'
- # launch two workers
- {0} -d jobs.db -w &
- {0} -d jobs.db -w &
- # print status info
- {0} -d jobs.db -s
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- nojobs = 1
- dbfn = None
- cmdfn = None
- propdef = None
- work = False
- status = False
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd:c:p:wsv")
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt == "-h":
- usage()
- sys.exit(os.EX_OK)
- elif opt == "-d":
- dbfn = arg
- elif opt == "-c":
- cmdfn = arg
- elif opt == "-p":
- propdef = arg
- elif opt == "-w":
- work = True
- elif opt == "-s":
- status = True
- elif opt == "-v":
- verbose = True
- else:
- print("Unknown option '", opt, "'.")
- except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- print("Error parsing arguments:", e)
- usage()
- sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE)
- if dbfn == None:
- print("No database given.")
- sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE)
- conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfn)
- createSchema(conn)
- if status:
- printStatusInfo(conn)
- if propdef != None:
- createPropertiesTable(conn, propdef)
- if cmdfn != None:
- print("Adding jobs...")
- cmds = open(cmdfn).readlines()
- cmds = [(c.strip(),) for c in cmds]
- insertJobs(conn, cmds)
- if work:
- while True:
- jobid = getNextJobId(conn)
- if jobid == None:
- print("All jobs have been started.")
- break
- processJob(conn, jobid)
- conn.close()