bplines = self.__getAnswerFromCmd("info breakpoints\n")
rxbp = re.compile("^\d+\s+breakpoint")
- rxpos = re.compile("^.* at \S+:\d+$")
- rxcond = re.compile("^\tstop only if")
+ rxpos = re.compile("^.*at \S+:\d+$")
+ rxcond = re.compile("^\s+stop only if")
bpnts = []
i = 1
Smaller requests
- - error when readreading the condition of breakpoints! (stop only if...)
- (gdb) info breakpoints
- Num Type Disp Enb Address What
- 2 breakpoint keep y 0x080bc7e8 in InsertApexDegreeTwoNodeArc(int, int, i nt, t_site) at ../../src/vd_data.c:850
- stop only if det1 / det2 < 1000 || det1 / det2 > 0.001
- breakpoint already hit 1 time
- Scrollbar for terminals
Medium requestes:
- Deactivate breakpoints
- Hightlight current line in little source field