+++ /dev/null
-"""A simple backup solution."""
-__version__ = "2.0"
-__author__ = "Stefan Huber"
-import datetime
-import os, shutil, sys
-import configparser
-import hashlib
-import subprocess, fcntl, select
-import random, re
-import logging
-Modes = ["full", "incr", "diff"]
-class Epoch:
- units = {
- "hour" : datetime.timedelta(0, 3600),
- "day" : datetime.timedelta(1),
- "week" : datetime.timedelta(7),
- "month" : datetime.timedelta(31),
- "year" : datetime.timedelta(365) }
- def __init__(self, unit=None, mult=1, mode="full", numkeeps=None):
- self.unit = unit
- self.mult = mult
- self.mode = mode
- self.numkeeps = numkeeps
- self.excludes = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "[unit: " + repr(self.unit) + \
- ", mult:" + repr(self.mult) + \
- ", mode: " + repr(self.mode) + \
- ", numkeeps: " + repr(self.numkeeps) + \
- ", excludes: " + repr(self.excludes) + "]"
- def getTimeDelta(self):
- if self.unit == None:
- return None
- return self.mult*Epoch.units[self.unit]
- def isRipe(self, oldest, now):
- if self.unit==None:
- return True
- delta = now-oldest
- mult = self.mult
- if delta >= self.getTimeDelta():
- return True
- if self.unit == "hour":
- return abs(now.hour - oldest.hour) >= mult
- elif self.unit == "day":
- return abs(now.day - oldest.day) >= mult
- elif self.unit == "week":
- return abs(now.isocalendar()[1] - oldest.isocalendar()[1]) >= mult
- elif self.unit == "month":
- return abs(now.month - oldest.month) >= mult
- elif self.unit == "year":
- return abs(now.year - oldest.year) >= mult
- return None
- @staticmethod
- def parseTimedelta( deltastr ):
- tokens = [ s.strip() for s in deltastr.split("*") ]
- unit = None
- mult = 1
- if len(tokens) == 1:
- unit = tokens[0]
- elif len(tokens) == 2:
- mult = int(tokens[0])
- unit = tokens[1]
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid format: '{0}'".format(deltastr))
- if not unit in Epoch.units:
- raise ValueError("Unknown unit '{0}'".format(unit))
- if mult <= 0:
- raise ValueError("Non-positive factor '{0}' given.".format(mult))
- return mult, unit
-class FileSet:
- """A fileset has a name and a list of directories."""
- def __init__(self, name, dirs, excludes):
- self.name = name
- self.dirs = dirs
- self.excludes = excludes
- def __repr__(self):
- return "[name: " + self.name + \
- ", dirs: " + str(self.dirs) + \
- ", excludes: " + str(self.excludes) + "]"
-class Backup:
- """A single backup has a date, an epoch and a mode."""
- def __init__(self, date, epoch, mode):
- self.date = date
- self.epoch = epoch
- self.mode = mode
- self.excludes = []
- @staticmethod
- def fromDirName(dirname):
- [strdate, strtime, epoch, mode] = dirname.split("-")
- if not mode in Modes:
- raise ValueError("Invalid mode: " + mode)
- date = datetime.datetime(int(strdate[0:4]),
- int(strdate[4:6]), int(strdate[6:8]),\
- int(strtime[0:2]), int(strtime[2:4]))
- return Backup(date, epoch, mode)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "[date: " + self.date.ctime() + \
- ", epoch: " + self.epoch + \
- ", mode: " + self.mode + "]"
- def colAlignedString(self):
- age = datetime.datetime.now() - self.date
- total_hours = age.total_seconds()/3600
- if total_hours <= 48:
- agestr = "(%s h)" % int(total_hours)
- else:
- agestr = "(%s d)" % age.days
- return "%16s %7s %10s %4s" % (
- self.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), agestr,
- self.epoch, self.mode)
- @staticmethod
- def getDirName(date, epoch, mode):
- """Get directory name of backup by given properties."""
- return date.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") + "-" + epoch + "-" + mode
- @staticmethod
- def isBackupDir(dirname):
- """Is directory a backup directory?"""
- p = re.compile(r'^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d-\w+-\w+$')
- return p.match(dirname)
-class Config:
- """Encapsules the configuration for the backup program."""
- class ReadError(RuntimeError):
- """An exception raised when reading configurations."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- self.message = value
- formats = ["tar", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz" ]
- # Filename where checksum of config is saved
- checksumfn = "checksum"
- def __init__(self):
- self.backupdir = None
- self.format = self.formats[1]
- self.tarbin = "/bin/tar"
- self.excludes = []
- self.sets = []
- self.checksum = None
- self.lastchecksum = None
- self.epochs = Epochs = { "sporadic" : Epoch() }
- def __repr__(self):
- return "[backupdir: " + self.backupdir + \
- ", format: " + self.format + \
- ", tarbin: " + self.tarbin + \
- ", excludes: " + repr(self.excludes) + \
- ", epochs: " + repr(self.epochs) + \
- ", sets: " + repr(self.sets) + "]"
- def getRealEpochsSorted(self):
- """Return all epochs with have a non-None unit, sorted by
- Epoch.getTimeDelta(), starting with the longest dela."""
- epochs = self.epochs
- realepochs = [ e for e in epochs.keys() if epochs[e].unit != None ]
- deltakey = lambda e: epochs[e].getTimeDelta()
- realepochs.sort(key=deltakey, reverse=True)
- return realepochs
- def _read_global(self, config, sec):
- for opt in config.options(sec):
- if opt=="backupdir":
- self.backupdir = config.get(sec, opt)
- if not os.path.isdir(self.backupdir):
- raise Config.ReadError("Backupdir '{0}' does not exist.".format(self.backupdir))
- elif opt=="format":
- self.format = config.get(sec, opt)
- if not self.format in Config.formats:
- raise Config.ReadError("Invalid 'format' given.")
- elif opt=="tarbin":
- self.tarbin = config.get(sec, opt)
- if not os.path.isfile(self.tarbin):
- raise Config.ReadError("Tar binary '{0}' does not exist.".format(self.tarbin))
- elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
- self.excludes += [ config.get(sec, opt) ]
- else:
- raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '{0}'.".format(opt))
- def _read_epoch(self, config, sec):
- name = sec[6:].strip()
- e = Epoch()
- if name in self.epochs:
- raise Config.ReadError("Epoch '{0}' already defined.".format(name))
- if name in Epoch.units:
- e.unit = name
- for opt in config.options(sec):
- if opt=="numkeeps":
- try:
- e.numkeeps = int(config.getint(sec, opt))
- except ValueError:
- raise Config.ReadError("Invalid integer given for '{0}'.".format(opt))
- if e.numkeeps <= 0:
- raise Config.ReadError("Non-positive numkeeps '{0}' given.".format(e.numkeeps))
- elif opt=="mode":
- e.mode = config.get(sec, opt)
- if not e.mode in Modes:
- raise Config.ReadError("Invalid mode '{0}'.".format(e.mode))
- elif opt=="timespan":
- if name in Epoch.units:
- raise Config.ReadError("The time delta of a standard epoch " + \
- "is not supposed to be redefined. ")
- td = config.get(sec,opt)
- try:
- mult, unit = Epoch.parseTimedelta(td)
- e.unit = unit
- e.mult = mult
- except ValueError as e:
- raise Config.ReadError("Invalid timespan '{0}': {1}".format(td, str(e)))
- elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
- e.excludes += [config.get(sec, opt)]
- else:
- raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '" + opt + "'.")
- if e.numkeeps == None:
- raise Config.ReadError("No numkeeps set for epoch '{0}'.".format(name))
- self.epochs[name] = e
- def _read_set(self, config, sec):
- name = sec[4:].strip()
- dirs = []
- excludes = []
- for opt in config.options(sec):
- if opt.startswith("dir"):
- dirs += [config.get(sec, opt)]
- elif opt.startswith("exclude"):
- excludes += [config.get(sec,opt)]
- else:
- raise Config.ReadError("Unknown option '" + opt + "'.")
- self.sets += [FileSet(name, dirs, excludes)]
- def read(self, filename):
- """Read configuration from file"""
- if not os.path.isfile(filename):
- raise Config.ReadError("Cannot read config file '" + filename + "'.")
- config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
- config.read(filename)
- for reqsec in ["global"]:
- if not config.has_section(reqsec):
- raise Config.ReadError("Mandatory section '" + reqsec + "' is missing.")
- for sec in config.sections():
- if sec=="global":
- self._read_global(config, sec)
- elif sec.startswith("epoch "):
- self._read_epoch(config, sec)
- elif sec.startswith("set "):
- self._read_set(config, sec)
- else:
- raise Config.ReadError("Unknown section '" + sec + "'.")
- if self.backupdir == None:
- raise Config.ReadError("No backup directory set.")
- # Compute checksum of config file
- m = hashlib.sha1()
- f = open(filename, 'rb')
- try:
- m.update(f.read())
- self.checksum = m.hexdigest()
- finally:
- f.close()
- try:
- f = open(os.path.join(self.backupdir, self.checksumfn), 'r')
- self.lastchecksum = f.read().strip()
- f.close()
- except IOError:
- self.lastchecksum = None
-class BackupManager:
- """List and create backups"""
- def __init__(self, conffn):
- self.conf = Config()
- self.conf.read(conffn)
- def listAllDirs(self):
- """List all dirs in backupdir"""
- # Get all entries
- basedir = self.conf.backupdir
- dirs = os.listdir(basedir)
- # Filter directories
- return [ d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, d)) ]
- def listOldBackups(self):
- """Returns a list of old backups."""
- backups = []
- for entry in [ b for b in self.listAllDirs() if Backup.isBackupDir(b) ]:
- backups += [ Backup.fromDirName(entry) ]
- return backups
- def getDesiredEpochs(self, backups, now):
- """Get desired epoch based on self.configuration and list of old backups"""
- # Find the longest epoch for which we would like the make a backup
- latest = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
- for e in self.conf.getRealEpochsSorted():
- epoch = self.conf.epochs[e]
- if epoch.numkeeps <= 0:
- continue
- # Get backups of that epoch
- byepoch = list(sorted( [ b for b in backups if b.epoch==e], \
- key=lambda b: b.date))
- # If there are any, determine the latest
- if len(byepoch) > 0:
- latest = max(latest, byepoch[-1].date )
- if epoch.isRipe(latest, now):
- return e
- # No backup is to be made
- return None
- def backupFileSet(self, fileset, targetdir, excludes, since=None):
- """Create an archive for given fileset at given target directory."""
- logfile = logging.getLogger('backuplog')
- logfile.info("Running file set: " + fileset.name)
- fsfn = os.path.join(targetdir, fileset.name) + "." + self.conf.format
- taropts = []
- # Add the since date, if given
- if since != None:
- taropts += ["-N", since.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
- # Add the exclude patterns
- for pat in excludes:
- taropts += ["--exclude", pat]
- #Add exclude patterns from fileset
- for pat in fileset.excludes:
- taropts += ["--exclude", pat]
- # Adding directories to backup
- taropts += ["-C", "/"] + [ "./" + d.lstrip("/") for d in fileset.dirs]
- # Launch the tar process
- tarargs = [self.conf.tarbin] + ["-cpvaf", fsfn] + taropts
- logfile.debug("tar call: " + " ".join(tarargs))
- tarp = subprocess.Popen( tarargs, bufsize=-1, \
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
- # Change tarp's stdout and stderr to non-blocking
- for s in [tarp.stdout, tarp.stderr]:
- fd = s.fileno()
- fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
- fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
- # Read stdout and stderr of tarp
- errmsg = b""
- while tarp.poll() == None:
- rd,wr,ex = select.select([tarp.stdout, tarp.stderr], [], [], 0.05)
- if tarp.stdout in rd:
- logging.debug( tarp.stdout.readline()[:-1].decode() )
- if tarp.stderr in rd:
- errmsg += tarp.stderr.read()
- # Get the remainging output of tarp
- for l in tarp.stdout.readlines():
- logging.debug(l.decode().rstrip())
- errmsg += tarp.stderr.read()
- # Get return code of tarp
- rett = tarp.wait()
- if rett != 0:
- for l in errmsg.decode().split("\n"):
- logfile.error(l)
- logfile.error(self.conf.tarbin + " returned with exit status " + \
- str(rett) + ".")
- def backup(self, epoch=None, mode=None):
- """Make a new backup, if necessary. If epoch is None then determine
- desired epoch automatically. Use given epoch otherwise. If mode is None
- then use mode for given epoch. Use given mode otherwise."""
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- oldbackups = self.listOldBackups()
- # Get epoch of backup
- if epoch == None:
- epoch = self.getDesiredEpochs(oldbackups, now)
- if epoch == None:
- logging.info("No backup planned.")
- return
- # Get mode of backup
- if mode == None:
- mode = self.conf.epochs[epoch].mode
- logging.info("Making a backup. Epochs: " + epoch + ", mode: " + mode)
- oldfullbackups = [ b for b in oldbackups if b.mode == "full" ]
- # No old full backups existing
- if mode != "full" and len(oldfullbackups)==0:
- logging.info("No full backups existing. Making a full backup.")
- # Checksum changed -> self.config file changed
- if self.conf.checksum != self.conf.lastchecksum and mode != "full":
- logging.warning("Full backup recommended as config file has changed.")
- # If we have a full backup, we backup everything
- since = None
- if mode == "diff":
- since = sorted(oldfullbackups, key=lambda b: b.date)[-1].date
- elif mode == "incr":
- since = sorted(oldbackups, key=lambda b: b.date)[-1].date
- if since != None:
- logging.debug("Making backup relative to " + since.ctime())
- yesno = self.ask_user_yesno("Proceed? [Y, n] ")
- if yesno == "n":
- return
- # Create new backup directory
- basedir = self.conf.backupdir
- dirname = Backup.getDirName(now, epoch, mode)
- tmpdirname = dirname + ("-%x" % (random.random()*2e16) )
- targetdir = os.path.join(basedir, tmpdirname)
- os.mkdir( targetdir )
- # Add file logger
- logfile = logging.getLogger("backuplog")
- fil = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(targetdir, "log") )
- fil.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- logfile.addHandler(fil)
- logfile.info("Started: " + now.ctime())
- # Backup all file sets
- for s in self.conf.sets:
- excludes = self.conf.excludes + self.conf.epochs[epoch].excludes
- self.backupFileSet(s, targetdir, excludes, since)
- logfile.info("Stopped: " + datetime.datetime.now().ctime())
- # Rename backup directory to final name
- os.rename( targetdir, os.path.join(basedir, dirname) )
- # We made a full backup -- recall checksum of config
- if mode == "full":
- f = open( os.path.join(basedir, self.conf.checksumfn), "w")
- f.write( self.conf.checksum )
- f.close()
- def prune(self):
- """Prune old backup files"""
- allDirs = sorted(self.listAllDirs())
- # Collect all directories not matching backup name
- removeDirs = [ d for d in allDirs if not Backup.isBackupDir(d) ]
- # Get all directories which are kept
- backups = self.listOldBackups()
- keepdirs = []
- byepoch = { e : list(sorted( [ b for b in backups if b.epoch == e ], \
- key=lambda b : b.date, reverse=True)) for e in self.conf.getRealEpochsSorted() }
- for e in byepoch:
- epoch = self.conf.epochs[e]
- old = byepoch[e][epoch.numkeeps:]
- removeDirs += [ Backup.getDirName(b.date, b.epoch, b.mode) for b in old]
- logging.info("List of stale/outdated entries:")
- for d in allDirs:
- msg = ""
- if d in removeDirs:
- msg = "[*] "
- else:
- msg = "[ ] "
- if Backup.isBackupDir(d):
- msg += Backup.fromDirName(d).colAlignedString()
- else:
- msg += d
- logging.info(msg)
- # Check that dirs to be removed is in list of all dirs
- for d in removeDirs:
- assert( d in allDirs )
- if len(removeDirs) == 0:
- logging.info("No stale/outdated entries to remove.")
- return
- basedir = self.conf.backupdir
- yesno = self.ask_user_yesno("Remove entries marked by '*'? [y, N] ")
- if yesno == "y":
- for d in removeDirs:
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(basedir, d))
- except OSError as e:
- logging.error("Error when removing '%s': %s" % (d,e.strerror) )
- def ask_user_yesno(self, question):
- if LogConf.con.level <= logging.INFO:
- return input(question)
- else:
- return "y"
-def printUsage():
- """Print --help text"""
- print("shbackup - a simple backup solution.")
- print("")
- print("Usage:")
- print(" " + sys.argv[0] + " {options} [cmd]")
- print(" " + sys.argv[0] + " --help")
- print("")
- print("Commands:")
- print(" backup make a new backup, if necessary")
- print(" list list all backups (default)")
- print(" prune prune outdated/old backups")
- print("")
- print("Options:")
- print(" -h, --help print this usage text")
- print(" -c, --conf FILE use given configuration file")
- print(" default: /etc/shbackup.conf")
- print(" -e, --epoch EPOCH force to create backup for given epoch, which")
- print(" can be 'sporadic' or one of the configured epochs")
- print(" -m, --mode MODE override mode: full, diff, or incr")
- print(" -v, --verbose be more verbose and interact with user")
- print(" --verbosity LEVEL set verbosity to LEVEL, which can be")
- print(" error, warning, info, debug")
- print(" -V, --version print version info")
-class LogConf:
- """Encapsulates logging configuration"""
- con = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
- @classmethod
- def setup(cls):
- """Setup logging system"""
- conlog = logging.getLogger()
- conlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- cls.con.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- conlog.addHandler(cls.con)
- fillog = logging.getLogger("backuplog")
- fillog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- LogConf.setup()
- conffn = "/etc/shbackup.conf"
- cmd = "list"
- mode = None
- epoch = None
- i = 0
- while i < len(sys.argv)-1:
- i += 1
- opt = sys.argv[i]
- if opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
- printUsage()
- exit(0)
- elif opt in ["-c", "--conf"]:
- i += 1
- conffn = sys.argv[i]
- elif opt in ["-V", "--version"]:
- print("shbackup " + __version__)
- exit(0)
- elif opt in ["-v", "--verbose"]:
- LogConf.con.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- elif opt in ["--verbosity"]:
- i += 1
- level = sys.argv[i]
- numlevel = getattr(logging, level.upper(), None)
- if not isinstance(numlevel, int):
- raise ValueError('Invalid verbosity level: %s' % level)
- LogConf.con.setLevel(numlevel)
- elif opt in ["-m", "--mode"]:
- i += 1
- mode = sys.argv[i]
- if not mode in Modes:
- logging.error("Unknown mode '" + mode + "'.")
- exit(1)
- elif opt in ["-e", "--epoch"]:
- i += 1
- epoch = sys.argv[i]
- elif opt in ["backup", "list", "prune"]:
- cmd = opt
- else:
- logging.error("Unknown option: " + opt)
- exit(1)
- try:
- man = BackupManager(conffn)
- logging.debug("Config: " + str(man.conf))
- if epoch!=None and not epoch in man.conf.epochs.keys():
- logging.error("Unknown epoch '" + epoch + "'.")
- exit(1)
- if cmd == "backup":
- man.backup(epoch, mode)
- if cmd == "list":
- for b in sorted(man.listOldBackups(), key=lambda b: b.date):
- print(b.colAlignedString())
- if cmd == "prune":
- man.prune()
- except (Config.ReadError, configparser.Error) as e:
- logging.error("Error: " + e.message)