]> git.sthu.org Git - vimconf.git/blob - vimspector-config/vimspector.json
plugins: Add googleai and gemini to gp
[vimconf.git] / vimspector-config / vimspector.json
1 // This is from a template. Modify for your needs.
2 {
3 "configurations": {
4 "Launch": {
5 "default": true,
6 "adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
7 "filetypes": [ "cpp", "c", "objc", "rust" ],
8 "configuration": {
9 "request": "launch",
10 "MIMode": "gdb",
11 "program": "${fileBasenameNoExtension}",
12 "args": [ ],
13 "environment": [ ],
14 "externalConsole": true,
15 "setupCommands": [
16 {
17 "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
18 "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
19 "ignoreFailures": true
20 }
21 ]
22 }
23 },
24 "Attach": {
25 "adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
26 "filetypes": [ "cpp", "c", "objc", "rust" ],
27 "configuration": {
28 "request": "attach",
29 "MIMode": "gdb",
30 "program": "${fileBasenameNoExtension}",
31 "setupCommands": [
32 {
33 "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
34 "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
35 "ignoreFailures": true
36 }
37 ]
38 }
39 },
40 "Python: Attach To Vim": {
41 "adapter": "multi-session",
42 "filetypes": [ "python" ],
43 "variables": {
44 "port": "5678",
45 "host": "localhost"
46 },
47 "configuration": {
48 "request": "attach"
49 }
50 },
51 "Python: Run current script": {
52 "default": true,
53 "adapter": "debugpy",
54 "filetypes": [ "python" ],
55 "configuration": {
56 "request": "launch",
57 "program": "${file}",
58 "args": [ "*${args:--update-gadget-config}" ],
59 "justMyCode#json": "${justMyCode:true}"
60 }
61 }
62 }
63 }