]> git.sthu.org Git - libstick.git/blob - include/libstick/simplicialfunction.h
[libstick.git] / include / libstick / simplicialfunction.h
1 #ifndef simplicialfunction_h_thee5Oonae6eig5k
2 #define simplicialfunction_h_thee5Oonae6eig5k
4 #include <algorithm>
5 #include <vector>
6 #include <limits>
8 #include "simplicialcomplex.h"
11 namespace libstick {
13 /** A simplicial function assigns to each simplex in a
14 * simplicial_complex<MAXDIM, IT> a function value of type VT. A natural way to
15 * obtain a simplex_order is to sort the simplicies of a complex according to
16 * their function values while preserving the filtration property. */
17 template<int MAXDIM, class IT, class VT>
18 class simplicial_function {
20 public:
21 /** The type of the underlying simplicial complex. */
22 typedef simplicial_complex<MAXDIM, IT> simplcompltype;
23 /** Type of indices of simplices. */
24 typedef IT index_type;
25 /** Type of the simplices of the underlying simplicial complex */
26 typedef typename simplcompltype::simplex simplex;
27 /** Type of the order on the underlying simplicial complex */
28 typedef typename simplcompltype::simplex_order simplex_order;
29 /** To every simplex a function value is assigned according to which a
30 * filtration is considered. This is the value type of the function. */
31 typedef VT value_type;
32 /** The container that holds the values. */
33 typedef std::vector<value_type> values_type;
35 /** This struct adds a function value to a simplex and is designed to
36 * be an aggregate. */
37 struct valuedsimplex {
38 simplex simpl;
39 value_type value;
41 /** Create a valuedsimplex. */
42 static valuedsimplex create_valuedsimplex(int dim, index_type* faces, value_type value) {
43 valuedsimplex vs;
44 vs.simpl = simplex::create_simplex(dim, faces);
45 vs.value = value;
46 return vs;
47 }
48 };
51 /**Create a simplicial function on a given simplicial complex c. Only
52 * define for the (-1)-dim dummy vertex a value, namely
53 * get_minusonedim_value().*/
54 simplicial_function(simplcompltype &c) :
55 c(c) {
56 values.push_back(get_minusonedim_value());
57 }
59 /** Get the value of the (-1)-dimensional dummy simplex. */
60 static value_type get_minusonedim_value() {
61 return std::numeric_limits<value_type>::has_infinity
62 ? -std::numeric_limits<value_type>::infinity()
63 : std::numeric_limits<value_type>::min();
64 }
66 /** Return number of function values. */
67 size_t size() const {
68 return values.size();
69 }
71 /** Returns true if we have a function value for exactly every
72 * simplex. */
73 bool is_complete() const {
74 return (size() == c.size());
75 }
77 /** Make the simplicial function complete, i.e. s.t. is_complete()
78 * returns true, by truncating or filling up the list of function
79 * values by the given value. */
80 void make_complete(value_type fill = value_type()) {
81 // We never would like to get rid of the dummy vertex's value
82 assert(c.size() >= 1);
83 values.resize(c.size(), fill);
84 }
86 /** Return the underlying complex. */
87 const simplcompltype& get_complex() const {
88 return c;
89 }
91 /** Get value of idx-th simplex */
92 const value_type& get_value(index_type idx) const {
93 assert(0 <= idx && idx < size());
94 return values.at(idx);
95 }
97 /** Set value of idx-th simplex */
98 void set_value(index_type idx, const value_type& value) {
99 assert(0 <= idx && idx < size());
100 values.at(idx) = value;
101 }
103 /** Get all the values. */
104 const values_type& get_values() const {
105 return values;
106 }
108 /** Set all the values at once. Requires that is_complete() returns
109 * true afterwards. */
110 void set_values(const values_type& values) {
111 this->values = values;
112 assert(is_complete());
113 }
115 /** Add a simplex to the complex and the function. Requires
116 * that is_complete() returns true.
117 *
118 * See also simplicial_complex::add_simplex(). */
119 index_type add_simplex(int dim, index_type* faces, value_type value) {
120 assert(is_complete());
122 return add_simplex(valuedsimplex::create_valuedsimplex(dim, faces, value));
123 }
125 /** Add a simplex of at least dimension 1 to the complex and the
126 * function. The value of the simplex is set to the maximum value of
127 * its faces. Returns the index of the added simplex. Requires that
128 * is_complete() returns true.
129 *
130 * See also simplicial_complex::add_simplex(). */
131 index_type add_simplex(int dim, index_type* faces) {
132 assert(dim >= 1);
133 assert(is_complete());
135 // Get max value of its faces
136 VT value = get_value(faces[0]);
137 for (size_t i=1; i < simplex::face_count_bydim(dim); ++i)
138 value = std::max(value, get_value(faces[i]));
140 return add_simplex(dim, faces, value);
141 }
143 /** Add a valued simplex. Requires that is_complete() returns true.
144 *
145 * See also simplicial_comple::add_simplex(). */
146 index_type add_simplex(const valuedsimplex &s) {
147 assert(is_complete());
149 values.push_back(s.value);
150 return c.add_simplex(s.simpl);
151 }
153 /** Add an array of valued simplices. Requires that is_complete()
154 * returns true. */
155 void add_simplices(valuedsimplex* sarray, size_t count) {
156 assert(is_complete());
158 for (unsigned i=0; i < count; ++i)
159 add_simplex(sarray[i]);
160 }
162 /** Returns true iff simplex's values are monotone w.r.t.
163 * face-inclusion, i.e., for each simplex its value is not smaller than
164 * the values of its faces. Requires that is_complex() gives true. */
165 bool is_monotone() const {
166 assert(size() == c.size());
167 assert(c.is_complex());
169 for (unsigned i=0; i < size(); ++i) {
170 const simplex& s = c.get_simplex(i);
171 for (unsigned f=0; f < s.face_count(); ++f)
172 if (get_value(s.faces[f]) > get_value(i))
173 return false;
174 }
176 return true;
177 }
179 /** Check if the given simplex order is a filtration and monotone
180 * w.r.t. to this simplicial function. Note is_monotone() &&
181 * o.is_filtration() can be true, but is_order_monotonefiltration(o)
182 * may still be false. */
183 bool is_order_monotonefiltration(const simplex_order &o) const {
184 assert(size() == c.size());
186 for (unsigned i=1; i < size(); ++i)
187 if (values.at(o.order_to_complex(i-1)) > values.at(o.order_to_complex(i)))
188 return false;
190 return o.is_filtration();
191 }
193 /** Make simplex order a monotone filtration of the underlying complex. */
194 void make_order_monotonefiltration(simplex_order &so) const {
195 typename simplex_order::order_type order = so.get_order();
196 std::sort(order.begin(), order.end(), cmp_monotone_filtration(*this));
197 so.set_order(order);
198 }
200 private:
201 /** Compares (operator<) two valued simplices (i.e. indices) in a
202 * simplicial complex w.r.t. lexicographical order on (value,
203 * dimension)-tuples.
204 * */
205 struct cmp_monotone_filtration {
206 const simplicial_function &f;
208 cmp_monotone_filtration(const simplicial_function &f) :
209 f(f) {
210 assert(f.is_complete());
211 }
213 bool operator()(index_type i, index_type j) const {
214 assert(f.is_complete());
216 if (f.get_value(i) != f.get_value(j))
217 return (f.get_value(i) < f.get_value(j));
218 else
219 return f.get_complex().get_simplex(i).dim < f.get_complex().get_simplex(j).dim;
220 }
221 };
223 /** Simplex c[i] get assigned values[i]. */
224 values_type values;
226 /** The complex on which we consider a function. */
227 simplcompltype &c;
228 };
230 }
233 #endif