"shuber, 2008-06-08 if ! exists("g:pygdb") let g:pygdb = 1 let s:ScriptLocation = expand("") python << >> import gtk import os import string import sys import threading import vim import Configuration import DbgTerminal #Breakpoint positions: List of dictionaries of form #{"signnum" : , "file" : , "lineno":, "cond" : } gdbBps = [] signnum = 0 clientcmd = "" execsign = None def gdbLaunch(): global gdbterm, mainctrlwnd, statuswnd, gdbBps, clientcmd, gdbthread clientcmd = vim.eval("input('Client commando: ', '%s')" % clientcmd).strip() if clientcmd.strip()=="": print "No command given!" return #Add the breakpoints to the configuration conf = Configuration.Configuration() conf.load(".pygdb.conf") for bp in gdbBps: conf.addBreak(bp["file"], bp["lineno"], bp["cond"]) conf.store(".pygdb.conf") vim.command("!python %s/pygdb.py %s &\n" % (pygdbdir, clientcmd)) def gdbToggleBreakpoint(lineno=None, file=None): global gdbBps #Set lineno and file if not already set if lineno==None: lineno = vim.current.window.cursor[0] if file==None: file = getCurrentFile() #Determine index of breakpoint bpidx = gdbGetBreakpoint( file, lineno ) if bpidx != None: removeBreakpoint(bpidx) else: addBreakpoint(file, lineno) def setExecutionLine(file, lineno): global execsign #Open that file! if file != getCurrentFile(): try: os.stat(file) vim.command(":e %s" % file) except OSError: print "Warning: file '%s' does not exist! (Wrong client command?)" % file return #Jump to line vim.command(":%d" % lineno) #Remove old execsign if execsign != None: delExecutionLine() #Set the sign execsign = gdbNewSignnum() vim.command("sign place %d line=%s name=ExecutionLine file=%s"%(execsign, lineno, file)) def delExecutionLine(): global execsign #Remove old execsign if execsign != None: vim.command("sign unplace %d" % execsign) execsign = None def addBreakpoint(file, lineno, cond=None): global gdbBps, cmdset #If file is not open, open it if not file in [b.name for b in vim.buffers]: try: os.stat(file) vim.command(":e %s" % file) except OSError: print "Warning: file '%s' does not exist! (Wrong client command?)" % file cmdset = False return #Determine a sign number signnum = gdbNewSignnum() #Create breakpoint and add sign b = {"signnum" : signnum, "lineno" : lineno, "file" : file, "cond" : cond} gdbBps += [b] if cond == None: vim.command("sign place %(signnum)d line=%(lineno)d name=BreakPoint file=%(file)s" % b) else: vim.command("sign place %(signnum)d line=%(lineno)d name=CondBreakPoint file=%(file)s" % b) def removeBreakpoint(idx): global gdbBps vim.command("sign unplace %(signnum)d" % gdbBps[idx]) del gdbBps[idx] def gdbBreakpointCond(lineno=None, file=None, cond=None): global gdbBps #Set lineno and file if not already set if lineno==None: lineno = vim.current.window.cursor[0] if file==None: file = getCurrentFile() #Determine index of breakpoint bpidx = gdbGetBreakpoint( file, lineno ) #Alter condition if bpidx != None: gdbBps[bpidx]["cond"] = vim.eval("input('Breakpoint condition: ', '%s')" % gdbBps[bpidx]["cond"]) #Set new breakpoint else: #Get condition cond = vim.eval("input('Breakpoint condition: ', '')") #Add the breakpoint addBreakpoint(file, lineno, cond) def getCurrentFile(): return vim.current.window.buffer.name def gdbNewSignnum(): global signnum signnum += 1 return signnum def gdbGetBreakpoint(file, lineno): for i in range(len(gdbBps)): if [gdbBps[i]["file"], gdbBps[i]["lineno"]] == [file,lineno]: return i return None def gdbShowBreakpoints(): global gdbBps if len(gdbBps) == 0: print "No breakpoints set." else: print "%d breakpoints set:" % len(gdbBps) for bp in gdbBps: if bp["cond"] != None: print "%(file)s:%(lineno)d if %(cond)s" % bp else: print "%(file)s:%(lineno)d" % bp def toAbsPath(path): global clientcmd, cmdset #Not a absolute path --> make one if path[0] != os.sep: #We need the client command to expand the paths... while clientcmd == "" or not cmdset: clientcmd = vim.eval("input('Client commando: ', '%s')" % clientcmd).strip() cmdset = True #Get the dirs where executeable is in relcmd = string.split(clientcmd)[0] abscmd = DbgTerminal.relToAbsPath(getCurrentFile(), relcmd) path = DbgTerminal.relToAbsPath(abscmd, path) assert(path[0] == "/") return path def gdbLoadConfig(): global clientcmd, gdbBps, cmdset #Load configuration conf = Configuration.Configuration() conf.load(".pygdb.conf") #Remove all breakpoints while len(gdbBps)>0: removeBreakpoint(0) #Add breakpoints from configuration for bp in conf.breakpoints: bp["file"] = toAbsPath( bp["file"] ) addBreakpoint(bp["file"], bp["lineno"], bp["cond"]) #Set current execution line if conf.isCurrposSet(): file = toAbsPath(conf.currfile) setExecutionLine(file, conf.currlineno) else: delExecutionLine() >> highlight ExecutionLine term=bold ctermbg=DarkGreen ctermfg=Black guibg=LightGreen guifg=Black highlight BreakPoint term=inverse ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=Black guibg=LightRed guifg=Black sign define ExecutionLine text==> texthl=ExecutionLine linehl=ExecutionLine sign define BreakPoint text=! texthl=BreakPoint linehl=BreakPoint sign define CondBreakPoint text=? texthl=BreakPoint linehl=BreakPoint command! GDBLaunch :python gdbLaunch() command! GDBToggleBreakpoint :python gdbToggleBreakpoint() command! GDBBreakpointCond :python gdbBreakpointCond() command! GDBShowBreakpoints :python gdbShowBreakpoints() command! GDBLoadConfig :python gdbLoadConfig() function! GDBMapDefaults() nmap :GDBLaunch nmap :GDBToggleBreakpoint nmap :GDBBreakpointCond nmap :GDBShowBreakpoints nmap :GDBLoadConfig endfunction endif