Smaller requests - error when readreading the condition of breakpoints! (stop only if...) (gdb) info breakpoints Num Type Disp Enb Address What 2 breakpoint keep y 0x080bc7e8 in InsertApexDegreeTwoNodeArc(int, int, i nt, t_site) at ../../src/vd_data.c:850 stop only if det1 / det2 < 1000 || det1 / det2 > 0.001 breakpoint already hit 1 time - vim has to be in edit mode when LoadConfig is called - Deactivate breakpoints - Scrollbar for terminals - Hightlight current line in little source field - Backtrace frame - Button for step out of function ('bt', followed by 'advance') Bigger requests: - bidirectional, immediate communication with vim: updating breakpoints when setting in vim.