#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # (c) 2000, 2002 Christian Kurz , # Peter Palfrader # # $Id: keylookup,v 1.34 2002/09/19 03:35:10 weasel Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Keylookup homepage: http://www.palfrader.org/keylookup/ # CVS, BTS: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/keylookup/ delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV', 'PATH'}; $|=1; # Always flush buffers use strict; use IO::Socket; use IPC::Open3; use Getopt::Long; my $version = '2.1 ($Id: keylookup,v 1.34 2002/09/19 03:35:10 weasel Exp $)'; # The port to use for keyservers unless given otherwise. my $PORT=11371; # The default proxy port which is used unless the port is explicitly given # in the http_proxy environment variable. my $PROXY_PORT=3128; # Name of the GnuPG binary. The executeable must the in the PATH. This may # be overriden using the --gnupg= switch. my $GnuPG='gpg'; # Where to find GnuPG's options file. my $GNUPGOPTIONS=(defined $ENV{GNUPGHOME} ? $ENV{GNUPGHOME} : $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.gnupg' ) . '/options'; # Full path to the dialog and whiptail executeable. my $Dialog = '/usr/bin/dialog'; my $Whiptail = '/usr/bin/whiptail'; # Strings to use in the dialog|whiptail frontend my $TITLE = 'Import Keys'; my $BACKTITLE = 'KeyLookup $Revision: 1.34 $'; my $INSTRUCTION = 'Select keys to import:'; # my @TPUTCOL=('tput', 'cols'); my @TPUTROW=('tput', 'lines'); my $DEFAULTCOLS = 80; my $DEFAULTROWS = 25; # Size of the dialog boxes, will be set in calcDialogSize; my $MAX_UID_FIELD_LEN; my @DIALOGSIZE; my @WHIPTAILSIZE; # Was the keyserver overriden|given on the command line? # This is used to find out wheter we need to instruct the user # to give the keyserver option to GnuPG. my $keyserverWasSetOnCmdLine = 0; # Queries a remote keyserver (using a proxy if requested) and returns # the keyservers anser. No module is used deliberatly to make this # script run on as many systems as possible. sub fetchIt($$$$) { my $server = shift; my $port = shift; my $requestURL = shift; my $honorproxy = shift; my $result; my $remote; if ($honorproxy && defined $ENV{'http_proxy'}) { my $proxyserver; my $proxyport; if ( $ENV{'http_proxy'} =~ m#^http://(\S+):(\d+)/?$# ) { $proxyserver = $1; $proxyport = $2; } elsif ( $ENV{'http_proxy'} =~ m#^http://(\S+)/?$# ) { $proxyserver = $1; $proxyport = $PROXY_PORT; } else { die ("Unkown http_proxy format"); }; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => $proxyserver, PeerPort => $proxyport ) || die ("Cannot connect to prox: $!"); my $URL=sprintf("http://%s:%s%s/", $server, $port, $requestURL); printf $remote "GET %s HTTP/1.1\n\n", $URL; } else { $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port ) || die ("Cannot connect to keysever: $!"); printf $remote "GET %s HTTP/1.1\nHost: %s\n\n\n", $requestURL, $server; }; { local $/; $/=undef; $result = <$remote>; }; return $result; }; # getHits receives all options as a parameter, calls fetchIT to # query a keyserver, processes the output from the keyserver and # stores it in a datastructure for later use. sub getHits($) { my $options = shift; die ("$0: No keyserver given!\n") unless (defined $options->{'keyserver'}); my $result = fetchIt( $options->{'keyserver'}, $options->{'port'}, sprintf("/pks/lookup?op=index&search=%s", $options->{'search'}), $options->{'honor-http-proxy'} ); $result =~ s/<.*?>//g; $result =~ s/>/>/g; $result =~ s/</ $1, 'type' => $2, 'keyid' => $3, 'year' => $4, 'month' => $5, 'day' => $6, 'uid' => [ $7 ] }; $keys{ $3 } = $currentKey; } elsif (defined $currentKey) { s/^\s+//; push @{ $currentKey->{'uid'} }, $_; }; }; return \%keys; }; # returns the number of columns of the terminal sub getCols { my $pid; return $DEFAULTCOLS unless (defined ($pid = open(KID, "-|"))); unless ($pid) { exec (@TPUTCOL); }; my $cols = ; close KID; wait; return (defined $cols) ? $cols : $DEFAULTCOLS; }; # returns the number of lines of the terminal sub getRows { my $pid; return $DEFAULTROWS unless (defined ($pid = open(KID, "-|"))); unless ($pid) { exec (@TPUTROW); }; my $rows = ; close KID; wait; return (defined $rows) ? $rows : $DEFAULTROWS; }; # sets MAX_UID_FIELD_LEN, DIALOGSIZE, and WHIPTAILSIZE sub calcDialogSize { my $COLS = &getCols(); my $ROWS = &getRows(); $MAX_UID_FIELD_LEN = $COLS - 27; @DIALOGSIZE = ($ROWS-7, $COLS-7, $ROWS-14); @WHIPTAILSIZE = ($ROWS-7, $COLS-7, $ROWS-14); } sub prepareForDialog { my $keys = shift; my @keyargs = (); for my $keyid (keys %$keys) { for (@{ $keys->{$keyid}->{'uid'} }) { push @keyargs, $keys->{$keyid}->{'keyid'}, length() <= $MAX_UID_FIELD_LEN ? $_ : substr($_, 0, $MAX_UID_FIELD_LEN-2) . '..', 'off'; }; push @keyargs, '-'x8, '-'x40, 'off'; }; pop @keyargs; pop @keyargs; pop @keyargs; return \@keyargs; }; sub prepareForTXT { my $keys = shift; my @lines = (); for my $keyid (keys %$keys) { push @lines, sprintf( "%s%s/%s %s-%s-%s\n", $keys->{$keyid}->{'bits'}, $keys->{$keyid}->{'type'}, $keys->{$keyid}->{'keyid'}, $keys->{$keyid}->{'year'}, $keys->{$keyid}->{'month'}, $keys->{$keyid}->{'day'} ); push @lines, map { ' 'x26 . $_ . "\n" } @{ $keys->{$keyid}->{'uid'} }; push @lines, "\n"; }; return \@lines; }; sub callDialog { my $args = shift; # open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") || die ("Cannot save STDOUT: $!\n"); # open(SAVEIN , "<&STDIN" ) || die ("Cannot save STDIN: $!\n"); my $pid = open3( '<&STDIN', '>&STDOUT', \*ERRFH, @$args); my %unique; my @keys = grep { !$unique{$_}++ } grep { /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$/ } map { s/\s//g; $_ } ; wait; # open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT") || die "Cannot restore STDOUT: $!\n"; # open(STDIN , "<&SAVEIN") || die "Cannot restore STDIN: $!\n"; return \@keys; }; sub selectKeys { my $keys = shift; my $options = shift; my $frontend = $options->{'frontend'}; $frontend = 'dialog' unless (defined $frontend); if ($frontend eq 'dialog') { unless (-x $Dialog) { warn("Dialog ($Dialog) not executeable/installed. Falling back to Whiptail\n"); $frontend = 'whiptail'; } }; if ($frontend eq 'whiptail') { unless (-x $Whiptail ) { warn("Whiptail ($Whiptail) not executeable/installed. Falling back to plain\n"); $frontend = 'plain'; } }; if ( $frontend eq 'dialog' ) { calcDialogSize; my @ARGS = ( $Dialog, '--backtitle', $BACKTITLE, '--separate-output', '--title', $TITLE, '--checklist', $INSTRUCTION, @DIALOGSIZE); push @ARGS, @{&prepareForDialog($keys)}; return &callDialog( \@ARGS ); } elsif ( $frontend eq 'whiptail' ) { calcDialogSize; my @ARGS = ( $Whiptail, '--backtitle', $BACKTITLE, '--separate-output', '--title', $TITLE, '--checklist', $INSTRUCTION, @WHIPTAILSIZE, '--'); push @ARGS, @{&prepareForDialog($keys)}; return &callDialog( \@ARGS ); } else { print for (@{ &prepareForTXT( $keys ) }); if ($keyserverWasSetOnCmdLine) { printf ("Now run gpg --keyserver %s --recv-keys \n", $options->{'keyserver'}); } else { print ("Now run gpg --recv-keys \n"); }; ## If no frontend was selected, or selected frontend was plain, ## exit successfully, otherwise with an exitcode != 0 exit (defined $options->{'frontend'} && $options->{'frontend'} ne "" && $options->{'frontend'} ne "plain"); }; }; sub importKeys { my $keyids = shift; my $options = shift; my @args = ( $options->{'gnupg'}, '--keyserver', $options->{'keyserver'}, '--recv-keys'); for my $keyid (@$keyids) { # untaint keyids my ($cleanid) = $keyid =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8})$/; warn ("keyid '$keyid' has unexpected format - skipping\n"), next unless defined $cleanid; push @args, $cleanid; } print "Calling GnuPG...\n"; exec (@args) || die "can't exec gnupg: $!\n"; # won't return }; sub usage { my $errorcode = shift; print << 'EOF' Syntax: keylookup [options] Options: --keyserver= Select keyserver --port= Use a non standard port --frontend= One of whiptail, dialog or plain --importall Import all matched keys --gnupg= use this gnupg binary --honor-http-proxy honor the http_proxy environment varibale --help print this message EOF ; exit($errorcode); }; sub version { print "keylookup $version\nWritten by Christian Kurz and Peter Palfrader.\n"; exit(0); }; my %options; GetOptions( \%options, 'keyserver=s', 'port=i', 'frontend=s', 'importall', 'gnupg=s', 'honor-http-proxy', 'version', 'help') or &usage(1); &version(0) if ($options{'version'}); &usage(0) if ($options{'help'} || ( scalar(@ARGV) == 0)); ## If the keyserver was not given on the command line, lurk into ## GnuPG's config file, it might be defined there. $keyserverWasSetOnCmdLine = defined $options{'keyserver'}; unless (defined $options{'keyserver'} && defined $options{'honor-http-proxy'} ) { if ( open(GNUPGOPTIONS, $GNUPGOPTIONS) ) { my $keyserver = $options{'keyserver'}; while () { $options{'keyserver'} = $1 if (/^\s*keyserver\s+(\S+?)[#\s]/i && ! defined $keyserver); $options{'honor-http-proxy'} = 1 if /^\s*(keyserver-options\s+)honor-http-proxy\s/i; }; close(GNUPGOPTIONS) || warn("Cannot close $GNUPGOPTIONS: $!\n"); } else { warn ("Cannot open $GNUPGOPTIONS: $!\n"); }; }; $options{'port'} = $PORT unless (defined $options{'port'}); $options{'gnupg'} = $GnuPG unless (defined $options{'gnupg'}); # Untaint it $options{'keyserver'} =~ /(.*)/; $options{'keyserver'} = $1; ## Take all additional arguments to the program as a search target, ## escape the string for use in URLs. $options{'search'} = join ' ', @ARGV; $options{'search'} =~ s/ ( [^A-Za-z0-9] ) / '%' . unpack("H2", $1) /xeg; my $keys = getHits( \%options ); my $keyids; if ($options{'importall'}) { my @allkeys = keys %$keys; $keyids = \@allkeys; } else { $keyids = selectKeys($keys, \%options); # won't return if no interactive frontend }; &importKeys($keyids, \%options) if (scalar @$keyids); # won't return