#!/usr/bin/perl -w # caff -- CA - Fire and Forget # $Id: caff 37 2005-02-28 23:20:15Z weasel $ # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Peter Palfrader # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =pod =head1 NAME caff -- CA - Fire and Forget =head1 SYNOPSIS =over =item B [-u I] I [I ..] =back =head1 DESCRIPTION CA Fire and Forget is a script that helps you in keysigning. It takes a list of keyids on the command line, fetches them from a keyserver and calls GnuPG so that you can sign it. It then mails each key to all its email addresses - only including the one UID that we send to in each mail, pruned from all but self sigs and sigs done by you. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-u> I Select the key that is used for signing, in case you have more than one key. =back =head1 FILES =over =item $HOME/.caffrc - configuration file =back =head1 CONFIGURATION FILE OPTIONS The configuration file is a perl script that sets values in the hash B<%CONFIG>. Example: $CONFIG{'owner'} = 'Peter Palfrader'; $CONFIG{'email'} = 'peter@palfrader.org'; =head2 Valid keys =over =item B [string] Base directory for the files caff stores. Default: B<$HOME/.caff/>. =item B [string] Your name. B. =item B [string] Your email address, used in From: lines. B. =item B [list of keyids] A list of your keys. This is used to determine which signatures to keep in the pruning step. If you select a key using B<-u> it has to be in this list. B. =item B [seconds] Don't export UIDs by default, on which your latest signature is older than this age. Default: B<24*60*60> (i.e. one day). =item B [string] Keyserver to download keys from. Default: B. =item B [string] Path to the GnuPG binary. Default: B. =item B [string] Path to the GnuPG binary which is used to sign keys. Default: what B is set to. =item B [string] Path to the GnuPG binary which is used to split off signatures. This is needed while the upstream GnuPG is not fixed (there are 2 bugs in the Debian Bug Tracking System). Default: what B is set to. =item B [string] Path to your secret keyring. Default: B<$HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg>. =item B [keyid] An additional keyid to encrypt messages to. Default: none. =item B [boolean] If true, then skip the step of fetching keys from the keyserver. Default: B<0>. =item B [boolean] If true, then skip the signing step. Default: B<0>. =back =head1 AUTHOR Peter Palfrader =cut use strict; use IO::Handle; use English; use File::Path; use File::Temp qw{tempdir}; use Fcntl; use IO::Select; use GnuPG::Interface; my $REVISION = '$Rev: 37 $'; my ($REVISION_NUMER) = $REVISION =~ /(\d+)/; my $VERSION = "0.0.0.$REVISION_NUMER"; sub notice($) { my ($line) = @_; print STDERR "[NOTICE] $line\n"; }; sub info($) { my ($line) = @_; print STDERR "[INFO] $line\n"; }; sub debug($) { my ($line) = @_; print STDERR "[DEBUG] $line\n"; }; sub trace($) { my ($line) = @_; #print STDERR "[trace] $line\n"; }; sub trace2($) { my ($line) = @_; #print STDERR "[trace2] $line\n"; }; sub make_gpg_fds() { my %fds = ( stdin => IO::Handle->new(), stdout => IO::Handle->new(), stderr => IO::Handle->new(), status => IO::Handle->new() ); my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( %fds ); return ($fds{'stdin'}, $fds{'stdout'}, $fds{'stderr'}, $fds{'status'}, $handles); }; sub readwrite_gpg($$$$$%) { my ($in, $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, %options) = @_; trace("Entering readwrite_gpg."); my ($first_line, $dummy) = split /\n/, $in; debug("readwrite_gpg sends ".(defined $first_line ? $first_line : "")); local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef; my $sout = IO::Select->new(); my $sin = IO::Select->new(); my $offset = 0; trace("input is $inputfd; output is $stdoutfd; err is $stderrfd; status is ".(defined $statusfd ? $statusfd : 'undef')."."); $inputfd->blocking(0); $stdoutfd->blocking(0); $statusfd->blocking(0) if defined $statusfd; $stderrfd->blocking(0); $sout->add($stdoutfd); $sout->add($stderrfd); $sout->add($statusfd) if defined $statusfd; $sin->add($inputfd); my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = ("", "", ""); my $exitwhenstatusmatches = $options{'exitwhenstatusmatches'}; trace("doing stuff until we find $exitwhenstatusmatches") if defined $exitwhenstatusmatches; my $readwrote_stuff_this_time = 0; my $do_not_wait_on_select = 0; my ($readyr, $readyw, $written); while ($sout->count() > 0 || (defined($sin) && ($sin->count() > 0))) { if (defined $exitwhenstatusmatches) { if ($status =~ /$exitwhenstatusmatches/m) { trace("readwrite_gpg found match on $exitwhenstatusmatches"); if ($readwrote_stuff_this_time) { trace("read/write some more\n"); $do_not_wait_on_select = 1; } else { trace("that's it in our while loop.\n"); last; } }; }; $readwrote_stuff_this_time = 0; trace("select waiting for ".($sout->count())." fds."); ($readyr, $readyw, undef) = IO::Select::select($sout, $sin, undef, $do_not_wait_on_select ? 0 : 1); trace("ready: write: ".(defined $readyw ? scalar @$readyw : 0 )."; read: ".(defined $readyr ? scalar @$readyr : 0)); for my $wfd (@$readyw) { $readwrote_stuff_this_time = 1; if (length($in) != $offset) { trace("writing to $wfd."); $written = $wfd->syswrite($in, length($in) - $offset, $offset); $offset += $written; }; if ($offset == length($in)) { trace("writing to $wfd done."); unless ($options{'nocloseinput'}) { close $wfd; trace("$wfd closed."); }; $sin->remove($wfd); $sin = undef; } } next unless (defined(@$readyr)); # Wait some more. for my $rfd (@$readyr) { $readwrote_stuff_this_time = 1; if ($rfd->eof) { trace("reading from $rfd done."); $sout->remove($rfd); close($rfd); next; } trace("reading from $rfd."); if ($rfd == $stdoutfd) { $stdout .= <$rfd>; trace2("stdout is now $stdout\n================"); next; } if (defined $statusfd && $rfd == $statusfd) { $status .= <$rfd>; trace2("status is now $status\n================"); next; } if ($rfd == $stderrfd) { $stderr .= <$rfd>; trace2("stderr is now $stderr\n================"); next; } } } trace("readwrite_gpg done."); return ($stdout, $stderr, $status); }; sub export_key($$) { my ($gnupghome, $keyid) = @_; my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new(); my %confighash = ( armor => 1 ); $confighash{'homedir'}=$gnupghome if (defined $gnupghome); $gpg->options->hash_init( %confighash ); $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 ); my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds(); my $pid = $gpg->export_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => [ $keyid ]); my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd); waitpid $pid, 0; return $stdout; }; my $KEYEDIT_PROMPT = '^\[GNUPG:\] GET_LINE keyedit.prompt'; my $KEYEDIT_DELUID_PROMPT = '^\[GNUPG:\] GET_BOOL keyedit.remove.uid.okay'; my $KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT = '^\[GNUPG:\] GET_BOOL keyedit.delsig'; my $KEYEDIT_KEYEDIT_OR_DELSIG_PROMPT = '^\[GNUPG:\] (GET_BOOL keyedit.delsig|GET_LINE keyedit.prompt)'; my $KEYEDIT_DELSUBKEY_PROMPT = '^\[GNUPG:\] GET_BOOL keyedit.remove.subkey'; sub usage() { print STDERR "caff $VERSION - (c) 2004, 2005 Peter Palfrader\n"; print STDERR "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME [ ...]\n"; exit 1; }; usage() unless scalar @ARGV >= 1; my @KEYIDS; for my $keyid (@ARGV) { unless ($keyid =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]{8}([A-Za-z0-9]{8})?$/) { print STDERR "$keyid is not a keyid.\n"; usage(); }; push @KEYIDS, uc($keyid); }; ################## # export and prune ################## KEYS: for my $keyid (@KEYIDS) { # get key listing ################# my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new(); $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 ); my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds(); $gpg->options->hash_init( 'extra_args' => [ '--with-colons', '--fixed-list-mode' ] ); my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => [ $keyid ]); my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd); waitpid $pid, 0; if ($stdout eq '') { warn ("No data from gpg for list-key $keyid\n"); next; }; my $keyinfo = $stdout; my @publine = grep { /^pub/ } (split /\n/, $stdout); my ($dummy1, $dummy2, $dummy3, $dummy4, $longkeyid, $dummy6, $dummy7, $dummy8, $dummy9, $dummy10, $dummy11, $flags) = split /:/, pop @publine; my $can_encrypt = $flags =~ /E/; unless (defined $longkeyid) { warn ("Didn't find public keyid in edit dialog of key $keyid.\n"); next; }; # export the key ################ my $asciikey = export_key(undef, $keyid); if ($asciikey eq '') { warn ("No data from gpg for export $keyid\n"); next; }; my @UIDS; my $uid_number = 0; my $this_uid_text = ''; $uid_number++; debug("Doing key $keyid, uid $uid_number"); # import into temporary gpghome ############################### my $tempdir = tempdir( "caff-$keyid-XXXXX", DIR => '/tmp/', CLEANUP => 1); $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new(); $gpg->options->hash_init( 'homedir' => $tempdir ); $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 ); ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds(); $pid = $gpg->import_keys(handles => $handles); ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg($asciikey, $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd); waitpid $pid, 0; if ($status !~ /^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORT_OK/m) { warn ("Could not import $keyid into temporary gnupg.\n"); next; }; # prune it ########## $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new(); $gpg->options->hash_init( 'homedir' => $tempdir, 'extra_args' => [ '--with-colons', '--fixed-list-mode', '--command-fd=0', '--no-tty' ] ); ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds(); $pid = $gpg->wrap_call( commands => [ '--edit' ], command_args => [ $keyid ], handles => $handles ); debug("Starting edit session"); ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); # mark all uids ################### my $number_of_subkeys = 0; my $i = 1; my $have_one = 0; my $is_uat = 0; my $delete_some = 0; debug("Parsing stdout output."); for my $line (split /\n/, $stdout) { debug("Checking line $line"); my ($type, $dummy2, $dummy3, $dummy4, $dummy5, $dummy6, $dummy7, $dummy8, $dummy9, $uidtext) = split /:/, $line; if ($type eq 'sub') { $number_of_subkeys++; }; next unless ($type eq 'uid' || $type eq 'uat'); debug("line is interesting."); debug("mark uid."); readwrite_gpg("$i\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); $i++; }; debug("Parsing stdout output done."); # delete subkeys ################ if ($number_of_subkeys > 0) { for (my $i=1; $i<=$number_of_subkeys; $i++) { readwrite_gpg("key $i\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); }; readwrite_gpg("delkey\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_DELSUBKEY_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); readwrite_gpg("yes\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); }; # delete signatures ################### my $signed_by_me = 0; ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg("delsig\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); while($status =~ /$KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT/m) { # sig:?::17:EA2199412477CAF8:1058095214:::::13x: my @sigline = grep { /^sig/ } (split /\n/, $stdout); $stdout =~ s/\n/\\n/g; notice("[sigremoval] why are there ".(scalar @sigline)." siglines in that part of the dialog!? got: $stdout") if scalar @sigline >= 2; # XXX my $line = pop @sigline; my $answer = "no"; if (defined $line) { # only if we found a sig here - we never remove revocation packets for instance debug("[sigremoval] doing line $line."); my ($dummy1, $dummy2, $dummy3, $dummy4, $signer, $created, $dummy7, $dummy8, $dummy9) = split /:/, $line; if ($signer eq $longkeyid) { debug("[sigremoval] selfsig ($signer)."); $answer = "no"; } else { debug("[sigremoval] not interested in that sig ($signer)."); $answer = "yes"; }; } else { debug("[sigremoval] no sig line here, only got: ".$stdout); }; ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg($answer."\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_KEYEDIT_OR_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1); }; readwrite_gpg("save\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd); waitpid $pid, 0; $asciikey = export_key($tempdir, $longkeyid); if ($asciikey eq '') { warn ("No data from gpg for export $longkeyid\n"); next; }; print $asciikey; }