]> git.sthu.org Git - vimconf.git/shortlog
2024-08-25 Stefan Huberplugins: mini.session requires nvim-0.8
2024-08-09 Stefan Huberplugins: Kill obsolete editorconfig
2024-08-09 Stefan Huberplugins: meson and others require nvim-0.8
2024-08-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Add gp.nvim
2024-08-04 Stefan Huberinit: Activate linebreak
2024-07-31 Stefan Huberplugins: Add gentoo-syntax
2024-07-28 Stefan Huberplugins: Fixes for nvim-0.4 or lower
2024-07-28 Stefan Huberplugins: Fixes for nvim-0.7 or lower
2024-07-27 Stefan Huberplugins: Add copilot.vim
2024-07-23 Stefan Huberplugins-mini: Add neovim-compat gruvbox
2024-07-23 Stefan Huberplugins: Move conf of vim-auto-origami to plugins-mini
2024-07-20 Stefan Huberlint: Add shellcheck
2024-07-20 Stefan Huberinit: Prefer filetype.vim over filetype.lua
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Add wilder
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberinit: Change wildmenu to pum
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Replace airline by mini.nvim statusline and...
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Manual languages for tree-sitter
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Replace indent detect plugin
2024-07-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Configure nvim-lint
2024-07-17 Stefan Huberplugins: Configure formatter
2024-07-12 Stefan Huberplugins: Switch to LSP and Mason
2024-07-12 Stefan Huberplugins: Switch to mini.nvim
2024-07-12 Stefan HuberRefactor plugin sets
2024-07-07 Stefan Huberplug: Update
2024-01-08 Stefan Huberplugins: Change easychair2 url
2024-01-08 Stefan Huberplugin: Factor your easychair2 into plugin
2024-01-08 Stefan Huberplugins: Fix typo
2024-01-08 Stefan Hubersyntax: Add easychair2 syntax definition
2023-04-17 Stefan Huberneosnippets: Add mail identities
2023-03-19 Stefan Hubergvim: Add JetBrainsMono as favorite guifont
2022-11-29 Stefan Huberplugins: Fix nvim-treesitter compatibility
2022-11-09 Stefan Huberplugins: neovim-0.4 conflicts with nvim-treesitter
2022-11-08 Stefan Huberplugins: nvim-treesitter for neovim-0.8
2022-11-07 Stefan Huberplugins: Let calendar start at Monday
2022-11-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Remove discouraged lazy loading of VimTeX
2022-11-05 Stefan Huberplugins: Set okular for vimtex viewer
2022-11-05 Stefan Huberplugins: Enable airline's vimtex extension
2022-10-27 Stefan Huberinstall: Check for +lua for vim
2022-10-27 Stefan Huberplugins: Leap only for neovim
2022-10-26 Stefan Huberinstall.sh: Update MANPAGER info
2022-10-26 Stefan Huberplugins: Add vim-nftables
2022-10-23 Stefan Huberplugins: Load vim-manager again with Gentoo
2022-10-22 Stefan Huberplugins: Pin nvim-treesitter to v0.8.0
2022-10-08 Stefan Huberplugins: Adding leap
2022-10-01 Stefan Huberplugins: Fix manpager collision with vim on gentoo
2022-08-12 Stefan Huberinit: Support laststatus=3
2022-07-18 Stefan HuberEnable lua-based filetype detection
2022-04-04 Stefan Huberlanguagetool: Find jar first
2022-04-03 Stefan Huberplugins: Add languagetool
2022-03-17 Stefan Huberinit: Add support for init-local.vim
2022-03-16 Stefan Huberdis: Fix label matching
2022-03-16 Stefan HuberAdd dis syntax
2022-02-14 Stefan Huberasciidoctor: Add F5 keymap logic
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Use + or * regs for clipboard
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Adding gutentags exclude settings
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Add clang format mappings
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Fix filetype for vimspector
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Add vim-clang-format
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Clean up plugins-local.vim.example
2022-01-06 Stefan Huberplugins: Move vim-clang away from plugins-local
2021-12-30 Stefan HuberUpdate README
2021-12-30 Stefan Huberplugins: Load latex-unicoder unconditionally
2021-12-29 Stefan Huberplugins: Add unicode search plugin
2021-12-29 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Kill c-v for paste
2021-12-29 Stefan Hubermarkdown: Allow for reflow of bullet paragraphs
2021-12-29 Stefan Huberplugins: Add vim-which-key
2021-12-28 Stefan Hubergitignore: Update
2021-12-28 Stefan Hubervimspector: Add json comments
2021-12-28 Stefan Hubervimspector: Activate pretty printing
2021-12-28 Stefan Huberplugins: Use custom vimspector base dir
2021-12-26 Stefan Huberplugins: Add message for creating .vimspector.json
2021-12-26 Stefan Huberplugins: Load polyglot also for nvim
2021-12-26 Stefan Huberplugins: Add vimspector
2021-12-26 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Move fswitch to F12
2021-12-24 Stefan Huberplugins: Move init confs to plugin confs
2021-12-23 Stefan Huberplugins: Configure gutentags
2021-12-23 Stefan Huberplugins: Gutentags only for some filetypes
2021-12-22 Stefan Huberplugins: Move out configs from init.vim
2021-12-22 Stefan Huberplugins: Merge init files into plugin files
2021-12-21 Stefan Huberinit: Disable tree-sitter indentation
2021-12-21 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Add C-d for :q
2021-12-20 Stefan Huberinit: Fix vimtex deoplete integration
2021-12-19 Stefan Huberinit: Enable deoplete completion for vimtex
2021-12-19 Stefan Huberplugins: Have gutentags also for tex
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Moving around plugins
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Remove nmap <C-v> for pasting
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Split up plugin and init files
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberplugins: No conditional loading of vim-fswitch
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Smart vsplit direction for fsswitch
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Add terminal-variant for S-Fx keys
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Drop workaround for fixed unicoder issue
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Switch from :put to p
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberkeymaps: Add usual <C-{c,x,v}> clipboard keymaps
2021-12-18 Stefan Huberplugins: Add nvim-treesitter-refactor
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberplugins: Add startify for root again
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberinit: Add vi version to startify header
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberinit: Some startify config
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberinit: Fix settings for root
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberplugins: Fix indentation
2021-12-17 Stefan Huberplugins: Support lowendbox setting