# Check the local user keys.
# This function checks if the keyids defined through the --local-user
-# command line option or set in .caffrc are valid and known to be one of the
-# keyids listed in ./caffrc. The last check ensure we have those keyids
+# command line option or set in ~/.caffrc are valid and known to be one of the
+# keyids listed in ~/.caffrc. The last check ensure we have those keyids
# available in the caff's gnupghome directory.
# @return an array containing the local user keys\n
unless (grep (/$user_key$/, @{$CONFIG{'keyid'}})) {
- mywarn "Local-user $user_key is not defined as one of your keyid in ./caffrc (it will not be used).";
+ mywarn "Local-user $user_key is not defined as one of your keyid in ~/.caffrc (it will not be used).";
# If no local-user key are valid, there is no need to go further
unless (defined $local_user[0]) {
- myerror (1, "None of the local-user keys seem to be known as a keyid listed in ./caffrc.");
+ myerror (1, "None of the local-user keys seem to be known as a keyid listed in ~/.caffrc.");
return @local_user;
+signing-party (1.1.3-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * Correct path of ~/.caffrc in informational messages (Closes: #582603).
+ -- Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@debian.org> Sun, 23 May 2010 14:08:28 +0200
signing-party (1.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Franck Joncourt ]
* caff: Updated check for the local-user keyids.
+ Moved the current check to a new function get_local_user_keys().
+ Warned the user if a local-user keyid is not listed as a keyid in
- ./caffrc. (Closes: #540165).
+ ~/.caffrc. (Closes: #540165).
* gpgdir: New upstream release.
* gpg-mailkeys:
+ The charset for the text of the message is deduced from the charset used