On Debian, the languagetool command launches the gui, while on Gentoo it
provides the command line interface. Hence, try to find the jar file
first and resort to setting the cmd.
let g:detectspelllang_langs = {}
let g:detectspelllang_langs.aspell =[ 'en_US', 'de_AT']
- let g:languagetool_cmd='languagetool'
+ " Try finding jar file. If it does not work, set cmd directly
+ let g:languagetool_jar='/snap/languagetool/current/usr/bin/languagetool-commandline.jar'
+ if !filereadable(g:languagetool_jar)
+ unlet! g:languagetool_jar
+ let g:languagetool_cmd='languagetool'
+ endif
au FileType mail let g:VimMailSpellLangs=['de', 'en']
let g:VimMailContactsProvider=['khard']