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+"""A simple implementation of persistent homology on 2D images."""
+__author__ = "Stefan Huber <shuber@sthu.org>"
+import union_find
+def get(im, p):
+ return im[p[0]][p[1]]
+def iter_neighbors(p, w, h):
+ y, x = p
+ # 8-neighborship
+ neigh = [(y+j, x+i) for i in [-1, 0, 1] for j in [-1, 0, 1]]
+ # 4-neighborship
+ # neigh = [(y-1, x), (y+1, x), (y, x-1), (y, x+1)]
+ for j, i in neigh:
+ if j < 0 or j >= h:
+ continue
+ if i < 0 or i >= w:
+ continue
+ if j == y and i == x:
+ continue
+ yield j, i
+def persistence(im):
+ h, w = im.shape
+ # Get indices orderd by value from high to low
+ indices = [(i, j) for i in range(h) for j in range(w)]
+ indices.sort(key=lambda p: get(im, p), reverse=True)
+ # Maintains the growing sets
+ uf = union_find.UnionFind()
+ groups0 = {}
+ def get_comp_birth(p):
+ return get(im, uf[p])
+ # Process pixels from high to low
+ for i, p in enumerate(indices):
+ v = get(im, p)
+ ni = [uf[q] for q in iter_neighbors(p, w, h) if q in uf]
+ nc = sorted([(get_comp_birth(q), q) for q in set(ni)], reverse=True)
+ if i == 0:
+ groups0[p] = (v, v, None)
+ uf.add(p, -i)
+ if len(nc) > 0:
+ oldp = nc[0][1]
+ uf.union(oldp, p)
+ # Merge all others with oldp
+ for bl, q in nc[1:]:
+ if uf[q] not in groups0:
+ #print(i, ": Merge", uf[q], "with", oldp, "via", p)
+ groups0[uf[q]] = (bl, bl-v, p)
+ uf.union(oldp, q)
+ groups0 = [(k, groups0[k][0], groups0[k][1], groups0[k][2]) for k in groups0]
+ groups0.sort(key=lambda g: g[2], reverse=True)
+ return groups0