exit $exitcode;
+# export key $keyid from $gnupghome
sub export_key($$) {
my ($gnupghome, $keyid) = @_;
return $stdout;
+# import a key from the scalar $asciikey into a gpg homedirectory in $tempdir
+sub import_key($$) {
+ ($gnupghome, $asciikey) = @_;
+ my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
+ $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
+ $gpg->options->hash_init( 'homedir' => $gnupghome );
+ $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 );
+ my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds();
+ my $pid = $gpg->import_keys(handles => $handles);
+ my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg($asciikey, $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd);
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ if ($status !~ /^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORT_OK/m) {
+ return undef;
+ };
+ return 1;
+# Send an email to $address. If $can_encrypt is true then the mail
+# will be PGP/MIME encrypted to $longkeyid.
+# $longkeyid, $uid, and @attached will be used in the email and the template.
#send_mail($address, $can_encrypt, $longkeyid, $uid, @attached);
sub send_mail($$$@) {
my ($address, $can_encrypt, $key_id, @keys) = @_;
+# clean up a UID so that it can be used on the FS.
sub sanitize_uid($) {
my ($uid) = @_;
return $good_uid;
+sub delete_signatures($$$$$) {
+ my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $keyids) =@_;
+ my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) =
+ readwrite_gpg("delsig\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1);
+ while($status =~ /$KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT/m) {
+ # sig:?::17:EA2199412477CAF8:1058095214:::::13x:
+ my @sigline = grep { /^sig/ } (split /\n/, $stdout);
+ $stdout =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ notice("[sigremoval] why are there ".(scalar @sigline)." siglines in that part of the dialog!? got: $stdout") if scalar @sigline >= 2; # XXX
+ my $line = pop @sigline;
+ my $answer = "no";
+ if (defined $line) { # only if we found a sig here - we never remove revocation packets for instance
+ debug("[sigremoval] doing line $line.");
+ my (undef, undef, undef, undef, $signer, $created, undef, undef, undef) = split /:/, $line;
+ if ($signer eq $longkeyid) {
+ debug("[sigremoval] selfsig ($signer).");
+ $answer = "no";
+ } elsif (grep { $signer eq $_ } @{$keyids}) {
+ debug("[sigremoval] signed by us ($signer).");
+ $answer = "no";
+ $signed_by_me = $signed_by_me > $created ? $signed_by_me : $created;
+ } else {
+ debug("[sigremoval] not interested in that sig ($signer).");
+ $answer = "yes";
+ };
+ } else {
+ debug("[sigremoval] no sig line here, only got: ".$stdout);
+ };
+ ($stdout, $stderr, $status) =
+ readwrite_gpg($answer."\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_KEYEDIT_OR_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1);
+ };
my $USER;
my $params;
my $this_uid_text = '';
debug("Doing key $keyid, uid $uid_number");
+ my $tempdir = tempdir( "caff-$keyid-XXXXX", DIR => '/tmp/', CLEANUP => 1);
# import into temporary gpghome
- my $tempdir = tempdir( "caff-$keyid-XXXXX", DIR => '/tmp/', CLEANUP => 1);
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( $CONFIG{'gpg'} );
- $gpg->options->hash_init( 'homedir' => $tempdir );
- $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 );
- my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds();
- my $pid = $gpg->import_keys(handles => $handles);
- my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg($asciikey, $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd);
- waitpid $pid, 0;
- if ($status !~ /^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORT_OK/m) {
+ my $result = import_key($tempdir, $asciikey);
+ unless ($result) {
warn ("Could not import $keyid into temporary gnupg.\n");
my $signed_by_me = 0;
readwrite_gpg("1\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1);
- ($stdout, $stderr, $status) =
- readwrite_gpg("delsig\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1);
- while($status =~ /$KEYEDIT_DELSIG_PROMPT/m) {
- # sig:?::17:EA2199412477CAF8:1058095214:::::13x:
- my @sigline = grep { /^sig/ } (split /\n/, $stdout);
- $stdout =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- notice("[sigremoval] why are there ".(scalar @sigline)." siglines in that part of the dialog!? got: $stdout") if scalar @sigline >= 2; # XXX
- my $line = pop @sigline;
- my $answer = "no";
- if (defined $line) { # only if we found a sig here - we never remove revocation packets for instance
- debug("[sigremoval] doing line $line.");
- my (undef, undef, undef, undef, $signer, $created, undef, undef, undef) = split /:/, $line;
- if ($signer eq $longkeyid) {
- debug("[sigremoval] selfsig ($signer).");
- $answer = "no";
- } elsif (grep { $signer eq $_ } @{$CONFIG{'keyid'}}) {
- debug("[sigremoval] signed by us ($signer).");
- $answer = "no";
- $signed_by_me = $signed_by_me > $created ? $signed_by_me : $created;
- } else {
- debug("[sigremoval] not interested in that sig ($signer).");
- $answer = "yes";
- };
- } else {
- debug("[sigremoval] no sig line here, only got: ".$stdout);
- };
- ($stdout, $stderr, $status) =
- readwrite_gpg($answer."\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, exitwhenstatusmatches => $KEYEDIT_KEYEDIT_OR_DELSIG_PROMPT, nocloseinput => 1);
- };
+ delete_signatures($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $CONFIG{'keyid'});
readwrite_gpg("save\n", $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd);
waitpid $pid, 0;