" Some global settings
set nocompatible
-" Breaks colors for some versions of mosh, but not if tmux is used on top of
-" mosh. See https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh/issues/928
-set termguicolors
set number
set cursorline
set scrolloff=5
let g:gruvbox_contrast_light='hard'
let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark='hard'
-let g:gruvbox_italic = 1
set bg=dark
+if &term =~ 'linux'
+ let g:gruvbox_termcolors=16
+ " Setting termguicolors has two implications:
+ " - Breaks colors for some versions of mosh, but not if tmux is used on top of
+ " mosh. See https://github.com/mobile-shell/mosh/issues/928
+ " - Breaks some colors in :terminal, e.g., when launching gdb in vim.
+ set termguicolors
+ let g:gruvbox_italic = 1
colorscheme gruvbox
" let NERDTreeWinPos="right"