* pgp-fixkey: removes broken packets from keys
* gpg-mailkeys: simply mail out a signed key to its owner
* gpg-key2ps: generate PostScript file with fingerprint paper strips
+* gpgdir: recursive directory encryption tool
* gpglist: show who signed which of your UIDs
* gpgsigs: annotates list of GnuPG keys with already done signatures
-* gpgparticipants: create a list of key signing party participants,
- for use by the party organiser
+* gpgparticipants: create list of party participants for the organiser
+* gpgwrap: a passphrase wrapper
* keyanalyze: minimum signing distance (MSD) analysis on keyrings
* keylookup: ncurses wrapper around gpg --search
* sig2dot: converts a list of GnuPG signatures to a .dot file