class persistence {
- typedef typename simplicial_complex<MAXDIM, IT, VT>::simplex_order simplex_order;
+ typedef simplicial_complex<MAXDIM, IT, VT> scomplex;
+ typedef typename scomplex::simplex_order simplex_order;
typedef typename simplex_order::boundary_matrix boundary_matrix;
typedef boolean_colmatrix<IT> transformation_matrix;
tm = create_unit_matrix<transformation_matrix>(bm.size());
reduce_boundary_matrix(rbm, tm);
- assert(rbm == bm * tm);
lowestones = boundary_matrix(rbm.size());
for (unsigned c=0; c < rbm.size(); ++c)
if (rbm.get_column(c).size() > 0)
lowestones.set(rbm.get_column(c).back(), c, true);
+ }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- for (unsigned c=0; c < lowestones.size(); ++c)
- assert(lowestones.get_column(c).size() <= 1);
- for (unsigned r=0; r < lowestones.size(); ++r)
- assert(lowestones.get_row(r).size() <= 1);
- for (unsigned c=0; c < lowestones.size(); ++c) {
- // If (r,c) is a one then
- // (i) a cycle dies with c --> row c is zero
- // (ii) a cycle is born with r --> column r is zero
- //Hence
- // (i) the column r is a zero-column
- // (i) the row c is a zero-column
- if (lowestones.get_column(c).size() > 0) {
- const IT r = lowestones.get_column(c).back();
- assert(lowestones.get_column(r).size() == 0);
- assert(lowestones.get_row(c).size() == 0);
- }
- }
+ /** Get the lowest-one matrix of 'order'. */
+ const boundary_matrix& get_lowestones_matrix() const {
+ assert(done_matrices);
+ return lowestones;
/** Get the boundary matrix of 'order'. */
+ TEST_ADD(persistence_TestSuite::test_lowestones);
torusrbme.set_all(torusrbme_coords, sizeof(torusrbme_coords)/(2*sizeof(uint32_t)), true);
TEST_ASSERT(torusrbme == torusrbm);
pers ballp(oball);
const bm &ballbm = ballp.get_boundary_matrix();
TEST_ASSERT(ballp.get_persistence_diagram(2).persistent_betti(oball.size()-3, oball.size()-3) == 2);
TEST_ASSERT(ballp.get_persistence_diagram(3).persistent_betti(oball.size()-3, oball.size()-3) == 0);
+ void test_lowestones() {
+ test_lowestones_impl(oring);
+ test_lowestones_impl(otorus);
+ test_lowestones_impl(oball);
+ }
+ void test_lowestones_impl(const scomplex::simplex_order& so) {
+ pers p(so);
+ p.compute_matrices();
+ const bm &lowestones = p.get_lowestones_matrix();
+ for (unsigned c=0; c < lowestones.size(); ++c)
+ assert(lowestones.get_column(c).size() <= 1);
+ for (unsigned r=0; r < lowestones.size(); ++r)
+ assert(lowestones.get_row(r).size() <= 1);
+ for (unsigned c=0; c < lowestones.size(); ++c) {
+ // If (r,c) is a one then
+ // (i) a cycle dies with c --> row c is zero
+ // (ii) a cycle is born with r --> column r is zero
+ //Hence
+ // (i) the column r is a zero-column
+ // (i) the row c is a zero-column
+ if (lowestones.get_column(c).size() > 0) {
+ const uint32_t r = lowestones.get_column(c).back();
+ assert(lowestones.get_column(r).size() == 0);
+ assert(lowestones.get_row(c).size() == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }