Address to send blind carbon copies to when sending mail.
Default: none.
+=item B<smtp-server> [string]
+Send mail through specified SMTP server. Default: none (uses
+=item B<smtp-port> [string]
+Use specified port for sending mail to SMTP server. Default : 25.
=head1 AUTHORS
$message_entity->head->add("Reply-To", $CONFIG{'reply-to'}) if defined $CONFIG{'reply-to'};
$message_entity->head->add("Bcc", $CONFIG{'bcc'}) if defined $CONFIG{'bcc'};
$message_entity->head->add("User-Agent", $USER_AGENT);
- $message_entity->send();
+ if($CONFIG{'smtp-server'}) {
+ $message_entity->smtpsend(Host => $CONFIG{'smtp-server'},
+ ($CONFIG{'smtp-port'} ? (Port => $CONFIG{'smtp-port'}) : ()),
+ MailFrom => $CONFIG{'email'});
+ } else {
+ $message_entity->send();
+ }
* gpg-key2ps, keylookup: make them less dependent on specific
installation paths and thus better portable outside of Debian
(Closes: #354142).
+ * caff: support using a SMTP-server to send out the mails instead
+ of a local MTA. Thanks Mathias Brossard for the patch.
[ Christoph Berg ]
* caff: note that mailed keys are encrypted (suggested by Sune Vuorela).
- -- Thijs Kinkhorst <> Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:41:13 +0100
+ -- Thijs Kinkhorst <> Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:47:33 +0100
signing-party (0.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=low