-/** Takes the boundary matrix b and transforms it inplace into a reduced matrix
- * b. The matrix v is required to be a unit matrix having the same dimensions
- * as b. It is maintained in order to leave the product b*inverse(v) as an
- * invariant. Hence, the resulting b is equal to the product of the boundary
- * matrix times v. */
-template<class IT, class D>
-void reduce_boundary_matrix(boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &b, boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &v) {
- assert(b.width() == v.width());
- // lowestones[i] gives the column whose lowest 1 is at row i. If it contains
- // zero, there is no such column.
- std::vector<IT> lowestones(b.width());
- // Make every column reduced, i.e., it is a zero-column or contains only one 1.
- for (unsigned c=0; c < b.width(); ++c) {
- //if (c % 100 == 0)
- //std::cout << "c = " << c << " (" << (100.0*float(c)/b.width()) << " %)" << std::endl;
- // Reduce as long as we need to reduce
- while (b.get_column(c).size() > 0) {
- // (r, c) is the lowest one of col
- const IT r = b.get_column(c).back();
- // This column contains its lowest one on the same row
- const IT c2 = lowestones[r];
- assert(c2 < c);
- // There is no valid c2, hence we have completely reduced
- if (c2 == 0)
- break;
- // Reduce col by column c2
- else {
- assert(b.get(r, c));
- b.add_column(c, b.get_column(c2));
- v.add_column(c, v.get_column(c2));
- assert(!b.get(r, c));
- }
- }
- // A lowest one remained, recall it
- if (b.get_column(c).size() > 0) {
- const IT r = b.get_column(c).back();
- assert(lowestones[r] == 0);
- assert(r < c);
- lowestones[r] = c;
- }
- }
} // namespace libstick