sub generate_config() {
- die "Error: \$LOGNAME is not set.\n" unless $ENV{LOGNAME};
- my $gecos = (getpwnam($ENV{LOGNAME}))[6];
- $gecos =~ s/,.*//;
+ notice("Error: \$LOGNAME is not set.\n") unless defined $ENV{'LOGNAME'};
+ my $gecos = defined $ENV{'LOGNAME'} ? (getpwnam($ENV{LOGNAME}))[6] : undef;
+ my $email;
+ my @keys;
+ my $hostname = `hostname -f`;
+ chomp $hostname;
+ if (defined $gecos) {
+ $gecos =~ s/,.*//;
- my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
- $gpg->call( 'gpg' );
- $gpg->options->hash_init(
- 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --trust-model=always --with-colons --fixed-list-mode } ] );
- $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 );
- my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds();
- my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => [ $gecos ]);
- my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd);
- waitpid $pid, 0;
+ my $gpg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
+ $gpg->call( 'gpg' );
+ $gpg->options->hash_init(
+ 'extra_args' => [ qw{ --no-auto-check-trustdb --trust-model=always --with-colons --fixed-list-mode } ] );
+ $gpg->options->meta_interactive( 0 );
+ my ($inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd, $handles) = make_gpg_fds();
+ my $pid = $gpg->list_public_keys(handles => $handles, command_args => [ $gecos ]);
+ my ($stdout, $stderr, $status) = readwrite_gpg('', $inputfd, $stdoutfd, $stderrfd, $statusfd);
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
- if ($stdout eq '') {
- warn ("No data from gpg for list-key\n"); # There should be at least 'tru:' everywhere.
- };
+ if ($stdout eq '') {
+ warn ("No data from gpg for list-key\n"); # There should be at least 'tru:' everywhere.
+ };
- my @keys;
- unless (@keys = ($stdout =~ /^pub:[^r:]*:(?:[^:]*:){2,2}([^:]+):/mg)) {
- die "Error: No keys were found using \"gpg --list-public-keys '$gecos'\".\n";
- }
- unless ($stdout =~ /^uid:.*<(.+@.+)>.*:/m) {
- die "Error: No email address was found using \"gpg --list-public-keys '$gecos'\".\n";
- }
- my $email = $1;
+ @keys = ($stdout =~ /^pub:[^r:]*:(?:[^:]*:){2,2}([^:]+):/mg);
+ unless (scalar @keys) {
+ info("Error: No keys were found using \"gpg --list-public-keys '$gecos'\".");
+ @keys = qw{0123456789abcdef 89abcdef76543210}
+ }
+ ($email) = ($stdout =~ /^uid:.*<(.+?@.+?)>.*:/m);
+ unless (defined $email) {
+ info("Error: No email address was found using \"gpg --list-public-keys '$gecos'\".");
+ $email = $ENV{'LOGNAME'}.'@'.$hostname;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $gecos = 'Unknown Caff User';
+ $email = $ENV{'LOGNAME'}.'@'.$hostname;
+ @keys = qw{0123456789abcdef 89abcdef76543210}
+ };
return <<EOT;
# .caffrc -- vim:syntax=perl:
# if you have a v4 key, it will simply be the last 16 digits of
# your fingerprint.
+# Example:
+# \$CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{FEDCBA9876543210} ];
+# or, if you have more than one key:
+# \$CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{0123456789ABCDEF 89ABCDEF76543210} ];
\$CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{@keys} ];