AUX ipe-beamer-install.patch 491 RMD160 729b8246faef227bde2742bcb47cf398f67dd7f7 SHA1 cd7f728ea8bde9abc31b8d723273d64e3de50a90 SHA256 70fc9f8526146893c33326e09677da564b26afa3d05f3860ed3c5e6ee07139a6
-AUX ipe-outputprecision.patch 1600 RMD160 f3ed51b6678975130529ecce2681a248194a8d14 SHA1 ec21c9fbdd65bc816764445b4f1f5173e379f98b SHA256 ee1187f15edc7759305ba9bc994ed79da4ceb93c7660f0738f175609ad7051b2
+AUX ipe-outputprecision.patch 2504 RMD160 e7bb13a68aa0b04798127aa4bbd05f0c6e7620a5 SHA1 faf5d9f6fded765904a6045eb52170b8a1403ce8 SHA256 142f967987a84d2c45d0ca90d3a4b72360dd720f8d1cfa17d6f66c4500ee7e35
DIST ipe-7.0.10-src.tar.gz 1158532 RMD160 1d57d362de66a5e718baf80ef79a6681ee48e046 SHA1 dc18230bb669b759b132c66440d99596b52fb833 SHA256 f343493d9e4d2390a9fdd5403162d187dd6ec1b204e7c026baec76657f40cd9c
DIST ipe-7.0.11-src.tar.gz 1164684 RMD160 472396a1835151d12ca8ae68991223147693d448 SHA1 fba0a36b9c3c6989847d1a41a98c9798dc56ebce SHA256 c82f4dc539919d901d6d628bd606fc3803c57833ecf89b97a0829d46f62eb296
EBUILD ipe-7.0.10.ebuild 2056 RMD160 c5ad5b0002cf557670353aec0bb9566253e35de2 SHA1 ce30d826bab989f4b6129cbe41a90a9cfddd376d SHA256 e0a1207c5f471cdded798cbeadc748f19805ce57adf9c3a6766785457a71e0ac
diff --git a/src/ipelib/ipebase.cpp b/src/ipelib/ipebase.cpp
-index 63de035..f4f102e 100644
+index 63de035..19226ad 100644
--- a/src/ipelib/ipebase.cpp
+++ b/src/ipelib/ipebase.cpp
-@@ -557,55 +557,9 @@ Stream &Stream::operator<<(int i)
+@@ -557,55 +557,50 @@ Stream &Stream::operator<<(int i)
//! Output double.
Stream &Stream::operator<<(double d)
- if (d < 0.0) {
- putChar('-');
- d = -d;
-- }
++ // Maximum number of digits in total
++ const unsigned maxdigits=14;
++ const unsigned bufsize=511;
++ char buf[bufsize+1];
++ // The number of digits left of '.'
++ int intpartsize = 0;
++ if( fabs(d)>=1.0 )
++ {
++ snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%.0f", fabs(d));
++ intpartsize = strlen(buf);
+ }
- if (d >= 1e9) {
- // PDF will not be able to read this, but we have to write something.
- // Such large numbers should only happen if something is wrong.
- putChar('0' + v / mask);
- v = (10 * v) % factor;
- }
-- }
-- }
-+ char buf[101];
-+ std::snprintf(buf, 100, "%.20g", d);
++ // The nubmer of digits right of '.'
++ int respartsize = maxdigits-intpartsize;
++ if( respartsize < 0 )
++ respartsize = 0;
++ // Building the format string and get the string conversion of d
++ char fmt[256];
++ snprintf(fmt, 255, "%%%d.%df", intpartsize, respartsize);
++ snprintf(buf, bufsize, fmt, d);
++ // Truncate redundant zeros and '.' from the right
++ for(int i = strlen(buf)-1; i>=intpartsize; i--)
++ {
++ // Truncate all zeros from right-hand
++ if( buf[i] == '0' )
++ {
++ buf[i] = '\0';
++ continue;
+ }
++ // Remove decimal dot without decimal digits
++ if( buf[i] == '.' )
++ buf[i] = '\0';
++ break;
+ }
+ putCString(buf);
return *this;