--- /dev/null
+"""Stefan Huber's simplistic backup solution."""
+import datetime
+import os, shutil, sys
+import configparser
+import hashlib
+import subprocess
+import random, re
+class Config:
+ """Encapsules the configuration for the backup program."""
+ class ReadException(Exception):
+ """An exception raised when reading configurations."""
+ pass
+ class FileSet:
+ """A fileset has a name and a list of directories."""
+ def __init__(self, name, dirs):
+ self.name = name
+ self.dirs = dirs
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[name: " + self.name + ", dirs: " + str(self.dirs) + "]"
+ formats = ["tar.gz", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz" ]
+ # Filename where checksum of config is saved
+ checksumfn = "checksum"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.directory = "/media/backup"
+ self.format = self.formats[0]
+ self.epochkeeps = { k : 0 for k in Epoch.keys() }
+ self.epochmodes = { k : "full" for k in Epoch.keys() }
+ self.exclpatterns = []
+ self.sets = []
+ self.checksum = None
+ self.lastchecksum = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[directory: " + self.directory + \
+ ", format: " + self.format + \
+ ", keeps: " + str(self.epochkeeps) + \
+ ", modes: " + str(self.epochmodes) + \
+ ", exclpatterns: " + str(self.exclpatterns) + \
+ ", sets: " + str([str(s) for s in self.sets]) + "]";
+ def read(self, filename):
+ """Read configuration from file"""
+ config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+ config.read(filename)
+ for reqsec in ["destination"]:
+ if not config.has_section(reqsec):
+ raise Config.ReadException("Section '" + reqsec + "' is missing.")
+ self.directory = config.get("destination", "directory")
+ self.format = config.get("destination", "format")
+ if not self.format in Config.formats:
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid 'format' given.")
+ if config.has_section("history"):
+ for opt in config.options("history"):
+ if opt.startswith("keep"):
+ epoch = opt[4:]
+ if not epoch in Epoch.keys():
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid option 'keep" + epoch + "'.")
+ self.epochkeeps[epoch] = int(config.getint("history", opt))
+ elif opt.startswith("mode"):
+ epoch = opt[4:]
+ if not epoch in Epoch.keys():
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid option 'mode" + epoch + "'.")
+ self.epochmodes[epoch] = config.get("history", opt)
+ if not self.epochmodes[epoch] in Mode:
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid mode given.")
+ else:
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid option '" + opt + "'.")
+ if config.has_section("input"):
+ for opt in config.options("input"):
+ if opt.startswith("exclude"):
+ self.exclpatterns += [ config.get("input", opt) ]
+ else:
+ raise Config.ReadException("Invalid option '" + opt + "'.")
+ for sec in config.sections():
+ if sec in ["destination", "history", "input"]:
+ continue
+ elif sec.startswith("set "):
+ name = sec[4:].strip()
+ dirs = []
+ for opt in config.options(sec):
+ if not opt.startswith("dir"):
+ raise Config.ReadException("Unknown option '" + opt + "'.")
+ else:
+ dirs += [config.get(sec, opt)]
+ self.sets += [Config.FileSet(name, dirs)]
+ else:
+ raise Config.ReadException("Unknown section '" + sec + "'.")
+ # Compute checksum of config file
+ m = hashlib.sha1()
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ try:
+ m.update(f.read())
+ self.checksum = m.hexdigest()
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ try:
+ f = open(os.path.join(self.directory, self.checksumfn), 'r')
+ self.lastchecksum = f.read().strip()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ self.lastchecksum = None
+Mode = ["full", "incr", "diff"]
+Epoch = { "hour" : datetime.timedelta(0, 3600), \
+ "day" : datetime.timedelta(1), \
+ "week" : datetime.timedelta(7), \
+ "month" : datetime.timedelta(30), \
+ "year" : datetime.timedelta(365) }
+class Backup:
+ """A single backup has a date, an epoch and a mode."""
+ def __init__(self, date, epoch, mode):
+ self.date = date
+ self.epoch = epoch
+ self.mode = mode
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[date: " + self.date.ctime() + \
+ ", epoch: " + self.epoch + \
+ ", mode: " + self.mode + "]"
+ @staticmethod
+ def getDirName(date, epoch, mode):
+ """Get directory name of backup by given properties."""
+ return date.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") + "-" + epoch + "-" + mode
+ @staticmethod
+ def isBackupDir(dirname):
+ """Is directory a backup directory?"""
+ p = re.compile(r'^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d-\w+-\w+$')
+ return p.match(dirname)
+class BackupManager:
+ """List and create backups"""
+ def __init__(self, conffn):
+ self.conf = Config()
+ self.conf.read(conffn)
+ def listAllDirs(self):
+ """List all dirs in destination directory"""
+ # Get all entries
+ basedir = self.conf.directory
+ dirs = os.listdir(basedir)
+ # Filter directories
+ return filter( lambda d: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, d)), dirs)
+ def listOldBackups(self):
+ """Returns a list of old backups."""
+ backups = []
+ for entry in filter(Backup.isBackupDir, self.listAllDirs()):
+ [strdate, strtime, epoch, mode] = entry.split("-")
+ if not epoch in Epoch.keys():
+ raise ValueError("Invalid epoch: " + epoch)
+ if not mode in Mode:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid mode: " + mode)
+ date = datetime.datetime(int(strdate[0:4]),
+ int(strdate[4:6]), int(strdate[6:8]),\
+ int(strtime[0:2]), int(strtime[2:4]))
+ backups += [ Backup(date, epoch, mode) ]
+ return backups
+ def getDesiredEpoch(self, backups, now):
+ """Get desired epoch based on self.configuration and list of old backups"""
+ # Find the longest epoch for which we would like the make a backup
+ latest = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
+ for timespan, e in reversed(sorted( [ (Epoch[e], e) for e in Epoch ] )):
+ # We make backups of that epoch
+ if self.conf.epochkeeps[e] == 0:
+ continue
+ # Get backups of that epoch
+ byepoch = list(sorted(filter( lambda b: b.epoch==e, backups), \
+ key=lambda b: b.date))
+ # If there are any, determine the latest
+ if len(byepoch) > 0:
+ latest = max(latest, byepoch[-1].date )
+ # the latest backup is too old
+ if now-latest > timespan:
+ return e
+ # No backup is to be made
+ return None
+ def backupFileSet(self, fileset, targetdir, since=None):
+ """Create an archive for given fileset at given target directory."""
+ print("Running file set: " + fileset.name)
+ tarpath = "/bin/tar"
+ fsfn = os.path.join(targetdir, fileset.name) + "." + self.conf.format
+ taropts = ["-cpva"]
+ if since != None:
+ taropts += ["-N", since.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")]
+ for pat in self.conf.exclpatterns:
+ taropts += ["--exclude", pat]
+ tarargs = [tarpath] + taropts + ["-f", fsfn] + fileset.dirs
+ print("tarargs: ", tarargs)
+ tarp = subprocess.Popen( tarargs, \
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ while tarp.poll():
+ l = tarp.stdout.readline()
+ if len(l) > 0:
+ print(l.decode(), end="")
+ l = tarp.stderr.readline()
+ if len(l) > 0:
+ print(l.decode(), end="")
+ for l in tarp.stdout.readlines():
+ print(l.decode(), end="")
+ for l in tarp.stderr.readlines():
+ print(l.decode(), end="")
+ rett = tarp.wait()
+ if rett != 0:
+ print(tarpath + " returned with exit status " + str(rett) + ":")
+ print( tarp.stderr.read().decode() )
+ def backup(self):
+ """Make a new backup, if necessary"""
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ oldbackups = self.listOldBackups()
+ epoch = self.getDesiredEpoch(oldbackups, now)
+ if epoch == None:
+ print("No backup planned.")
+ return
+ # Get mode of backup
+ mode = self.conf.epochmodes[epoch]
+ print("Making a backup. Epoch: " + epoch + ", mode: " + mode)
+ oldfullbackups = list(filter(lambda b: b.mode=="full", oldbackups))
+ # No old full backups existing
+ if mode != "full" and len(oldfullbackups)==0:
+ print("No full backups existing. Making a full backup.")
+ # Checksum changed -> self.config file changed
+ if self.conf.checksum != self.conf.lastchecksum:
+ print("Config file changed since last time.")
+ if mode != "full":
+ print("** Warning: full backup recommended!")
+ # Create new target directory
+ basedir = self.conf.directory
+ dirname = Backup.getDirName(now, epoch, mode)
+ tmpdirname = dirname + ("-%x" % (random.random()*2e16) )
+ targetdir = os.path.join(basedir, tmpdirname)
+ os.mkdir( targetdir )
+ # If we have a full backup, we backup everything
+ since = None
+ # Get latest full backup time
+ if mode == "diff":
+ since = sorted(oldfullbackups, key=lambda b: b.date)[-1].date
+ # Get latest backup time
+ elif mode == "incr":
+ since = sorted(oldbackups, key=lambda b: b.date)[-1].date
+ # Backup all file sets
+ for s in self.conf.sets:
+ self.backupFileSet(s, targetdir, since)
+ # Rename backup directory to final name
+ os.rename( targetdir, os.path.join(basedir, dirname) )
+ # We made a full backup -- recall checksum of config
+ if mode == "full":
+ f = open( os.path.join(basedir, self.conf.checksumfn), "w")
+ f.write( self.conf.checksum )
+ f.close()
+ def prune(self):
+ """Prune old backup files"""
+ noBackupDir = lambda d: not Backup.isBackupDir(d)
+ dirs = list(filter(noBackupDir, self.listAllDirs()))
+ backups = self.listOldBackups()
+ byepoch = { e : list(reversed(sorted(filter(lambda b: b.epoch==e, backups), \
+ key=lambda b : b.date))) for e in Epoch }
+ for e in byepoch:
+ keep = self.conf.epochkeeps[e]
+ old = byepoch[e][keep:]
+ dirs += [ Backup.getDirName(b.date, b.epoch, b.mode) for b in old]
+ if len(dirs) == 0:
+ print("No stale/outdated entries to remove.")
+ return
+ print("List of stale/outdated entries:")
+ for d in dirs:
+ print(" " + d)
+ basedir = self.conf.directory
+ yesno = input("Remove listed entries? [y,N] ")
+ if yesno == "y":
+ for d in dirs:
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(basedir,d))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ conffn = "shbackup.conf"
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ conffn = sys.argv[1]
+ man = BackupManager(conffn)
+ man.backup()
+ man.prune()