-signing-party (0.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+signing-party (0.4.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Christoph Berg ]
* caff:
+ be more verbose when user tries to sign obsolete v3 crap.
+ install README.*.
* gpglist: added new script, thanks to Uli Martens.
+ * debian/control: move libpaper-utils to Recommends, remove redundant perl
+ dependency.
+ [ Thijs Kinkhorst ]
* gpg-key2ps:
+ Convert from shell script to perl.
Package: signing-party
Architecture: all
-Depends: gnupg (>= 1.3.92), perl, libgnupg-interface-perl, libtext-template-perl, libmime-perl, libmailtools-perl (>= 1.62), mailx, libpaper-utils (>= 1.1.13)
-Recommends: exim4 | mail-transport-agent, libtext-iconv-perl | libintl-perl | recode, dialog | whiptail
+Depends: gnupg (>= 1.3.92), libgnupg-interface-perl, libtext-template-perl, libmime-perl, libmailtools-perl (>= 1.62), mailx
+Recommends: exim4 | mail-transport-agent, libtext-iconv-perl | libintl-perl | recode, dialog | whiptail, libpaper-utils (>= 1.1.13)
Description: tools for signing GnuPG keys
signing-party is a collection for all kinds of PGP/GnuPG related things,
including signing scripts, party preparation scripts, etc.