--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+__author__ = "Stefan Huber <shuber@sthu.org>"
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import getopt
+def insertspaces(s):
+ """Inserts a space after every 4-th character, and three spaces after every
+ 8-th character of string s."""
+ def inpacks(s, n):
+ while len(s) > 0:
+ yield s[0:n]
+ s = s[n:]
+ out = " ".join([ " ".join(inpacks(octp, 4)) for octp in inpacks(s, 8)])
+ return out
+def range_hex(length):
+ """Give all hex-strings from 00...0 until ff...f of given length."""
+ if length == 0:
+ yield ""
+ elif length == 1:
+ for c in "0123456789abcdef":
+ yield c
+ elif length > 1:
+ for prefix in range_hex(length-1):
+ for postfix in range_hex(1):
+ yield prefix + postfix
+def usage():
+ """Print --help text"""
+ print("""Usage:
+ {0} <emptylist> <filledlist>
+ {0} --help
+ {0} -h
+Takes a file produced by gpgparticipants as <emptylist> and trys to fill in
+some digits into the SHA256 field such that the resulting list actually has
+a SHA256 checksum that starts with those digits. Whenever a match is found a
+file with the digits filled in is written to `<filledlist>.DIGITS`.
+ --fastforward If a match is found of given length and --fastforward
+ is given then the programm immediately jumps to the next
+ length.
+ --min-length NUM Start looking for hex strings of given length
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fastforward = False
+ minlength = 1
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['fastforward', 'min-length='])
+ for o, a in optlist:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ exit(0)
+ if o in ("--fastforward"):
+ fastforward = True
+ if o in ("--min-length"):
+ minlength = int(a)
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "You need to give two filenames."""
+ exit(1)
+ emptyfile = open(args[0]).read()
+ idx = emptyfile.find("SHA256 Checksum:")
+ idx = emptyfile.find("_", idx)
+ for l in range(minlength, 32):
+ print "Looking at length", l
+ for h in range_hex(l):
+ H = insertspaces(h.upper())
+ filledfile = emptyfile[:idx] + H + emptyfile[idx+len(H):]
+ actual = hashlib.sha256(filledfile).hexdigest()
+ if actual[:len(h)] == h:
+ print "Found: ", H
+ open(args[1] + "." + H, "w").write(filledfile)
+ if fastforward:
+ break