syntax on
-" Load some macros
-runtime macros.vim
if filereadable($HOME . '/.vim/lowendbox')
let g:lowendbox = 1
let g:lowendbox = 0
-" Some global plugin settings
-" Disable devicons on linux terminal
-if $TERM == 'linux'
- let g:enable_plugin_devicons=0
-" Enable loading of devicons on all others
- let g:enable_plugin_devicons=1
+runtime macros.vim
+runtime keymaps.vim
runtime plugsetup.vim
-let g:EditorConfig_exclude_patterns = ['fugitive://.*', 'scp://.*']
-" Some preferences for indent detection
-let g:detectindent_min_indent = 2
-let g:detectindent_max_indent = 4
-let g:detectindent_preferred_indent = 4
-" Attention: Must be run after plugsetup.vim
-" Trailing whitespace
-highlight default link BadWhitespace SpellCap
-" Setup BadWhitespace syntax match expressions.
-function SetBadWhitespaceSyntax()
- " Do not expose bad whitespace in help buffers or for man pages. Or, more
- " generally, if we open the file readonly.
- "if &ft != "help" && &ft != "man"
- if !&readonly
- " Make trailing whitespace be flagged as bad.
- syn match BadWhitespace /\s\+$/ containedin=ALL
- " Make space before tab be flagged as bad and vice versa
- syn match BadWhitespace / \+\t/ containedin=ALL
- syn match BadWhitespace /\t \+/ containedin=ALL
- endif
-" Make trailing whitespace be flagged as bad.
-au BufRead,BufNewFile * call SetBadWhitespaceSyntax()
-let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
-let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1
-let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled=1
-let g:gruvbox_contrast_light='hard'
-let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark='hard'
-set bg=dark
-if &term =~ 'linux'
- let g:gruvbox_termcolors=16
- " Setting termguicolors has two implications:
- " - Breaks colors for some versions of mosh, but not if tmux is used on top of
- " mosh. See
- set termguicolors
- let g:gruvbox_italic = 1
-colorscheme gruvbox
-" let NERDTreeWinPos="right"
-let NERDTreeHijackNetrw=0
-let NERDTreeWinSize=22
-let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1
-"au VimEnter * if !argc() | Startify | NERDTree | wincmd w
-if $USER != "root" && g:lowendbox == 0
- let g:neomake_c_enabled_makers = ['clangtidy', 'clangcheck']
- let g:neomake_cpp_enabled_makers = ['clangtidy', 'clangcheck']
- let g:clang_compilation_database = '.'
- " Taken from neomake
- if OnBattery()
- call neomake#configure#automake('w')
- else
- call neomake#configure#automake('nw', 1000)
- endif
- " Speedup deoplete startup time, see deoplete FAQ
- let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3'
- " deoplete requires huge startuptime. Delay loading upon first InsertEnter.
- let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 0
- call deoplete#custom#option({
- \ 'smart_case' : v:true,
- \ 'auto_refresh_delay' : 100,
- \ })
- au InsertEnter * call deoplete#enable()
-"augroup pencil
- "au!
- "au FileType markdown,mkd call pencil#init()
- "au FileType text call pencil#init()
- "au FileType mail call pencil#init()
- "au FileType tex call pencil#init()
-"augroup END
-let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter=1
-let g:vim_markdown_math=1
" Some filetype-specific settings
-" Some global keymaps
+" General settings
+" Attention: Must be run after plugsetup.vim
+" Trailing whitespace
+highlight default link BadWhitespace SpellCap
+" Setup BadWhitespace syntax match expressions.
+function SetBadWhitespaceSyntax()
+ " Do not expose bad whitespace in help buffers or for man pages. Or, more
+ " generally, if we open the file readonly.
+ "if &ft != "help" && &ft != "man"
+ if !&readonly
+ " Make trailing whitespace be flagged as bad.
+ syn match BadWhitespace /\s\+$/ containedin=ALL
+ " Make space before tab be flagged as bad and vice versa
+ syn match BadWhitespace / \+\t/ containedin=ALL
+ syn match BadWhitespace /\t \+/ containedin=ALL
+ endif
+" Make trailing whitespace be flagged as bad.
+au BufRead,BufNewFile * call SetBadWhitespaceSyntax()
+" termdebug split windows
+let g:termdebug_wide = 1
+let termdebugger = $HOME . '/.vim/'
-runtime keymaps.vim
Plug ''
Plug 'Konfekt/vim-DetectSpellLang', {'do': 'spell'}
+" Disable devicons on linux terminal
+if $TERM == 'linux'
+ let g:enable_plugin_devicons=0
+ " Enable loading of devicons on all others
+ let g:enable_plugin_devicons=1
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons', Cond(g:enable_plugin_devicons)
Plug 'joom/latex-unicoder.vim', {'on': '<Plug>Unicoder'}
function PluginsNorootNolowendboxConfig()
+ let g:neomake_c_enabled_makers = ['clangtidy', 'clangcheck']
+ let g:neomake_cpp_enabled_makers = ['clangtidy', 'clangcheck']
+ let g:clang_compilation_database = '.'
+ " Taken from neomake
+ if OnBattery()
+ call neomake#configure#automake('w')
+ else
+ call neomake#configure#automake('nw', 1000)
+ endif
+ " Speedup deoplete startup time, see deoplete FAQ
+ let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3'
+ " deoplete requires huge startuptime. Delay loading upon first InsertEnter.
+ let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 0
+ call deoplete#custom#option({
+ \ 'smart_case' : v:true,
+ \ 'auto_refresh_delay' : 100,
+ \ })
+ au InsertEnter * call deoplete#enable()
" The denite settings are largely stolen from spacevim
let s:denite_options = {
+ let g:fastfold_minlines = 0
+ let g:detectspelllang_langs = {}
+ let g:detectspelllang_langs.aspell =[ 'en_US', 'de_AT']
+ au FileType mail let g:VimMailSpellLangs=['de', 'en']
+ let g:VimMailContactsProvider=['khard']
+ let g:VimMailContactsCommands={
+ \'khard':
+ \{ 'query' : "khard email --parsable --search-in-source-files",
+ \'sync': "/bin/true"}
+ \}
+ let g:org_todo_keywords = [['TODO(t)', 'WAITING(w)', '|', 'DONE(d)'],
+ \ ['|', 'OBSOLETE(o)', 'WONT(n)'],
+ \ ['CANCELED(c)']]
+ let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/.vimwiki/',
+ \ 'template_path': '~/.vim/vimwiki/templates',
+ \ 'template_default': 'default',
+ \ 'template_ext': '.html'}]
+ let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
+ " Java completion
+ au FileType java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete
+ au FileType java JCEnable
+ let g:vimtex_fold_enabled = 1
+ let g:vimtex_fold_levelmarker = '➜'
function PluginsNorootConfig()
+ let g:localvimrc_persistent = 1
+ let g:EditorConfig_exclude_patterns = ['fugitive://.*', 'scp://.*']
+ "augroup pencil
+ "au!
+ "au FileType markdown,mkd call pencil#init()
+ "au FileType text call pencil#init()
+ "au FileType mail call pencil#init()
+ "au FileType tex call pencil#init()
+ "augroup END
+ let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter=1
+ let g:vim_markdown_math=1
+ au FileType markdown call RagtagInit()
function PluginsConfig()
- let g:localvimrc_persistent = 1
- let g:fastfold_minlines = 0
+ " Some preferences for indent detection
+ let g:detectindent_min_indent = 2
+ let g:detectindent_max_indent = 4
+ let g:detectindent_preferred_indent = 4
- au FileType markdown call RagtagInit()
+ let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
+ let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled=1
+ let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled=1
- let g:detectspelllang_langs = {}
- let g:detectspelllang_langs.aspell =[ 'en_US', 'de_AT']
- au FileType mail let g:VimMailSpellLangs=['de', 'en']
+ let g:gruvbox_contrast_light='hard'
+ let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark='hard'
+ set bg=dark
- let g:org_todo_keywords = [['TODO(t)', 'WAITING(w)', '|', 'DONE(d)'],
- \ ['|', 'OBSOLETE(o)', 'WONT(n)'],
- \ ['CANCELED(c)']]
- let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/.vimwiki/',
- \ 'template_path': '~/.vim/vimwiki/templates',
- \ 'template_default': 'default',
- \ 'template_ext': '.html'}]
- let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
- " Java completion
- au FileType java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete
- au FileType java JCEnable
- let g:VimMailContactsProvider=['khard']
- let g:VimMailContactsCommands={
- \'khard':
- \{ 'query' : "khard email --parsable --search-in-source-files",
- \'sync': "/bin/true"}
- \}
- let g:vimtex_fold_enabled = 1
- let g:vimtex_fold_levelmarker = '➜'
+ if &term =~ 'linux'
+ let g:gruvbox_termcolors=16
+ else
+ " Setting termguicolors has two implications:
+ " - Breaks colors for some versions of mosh, but not if tmux is used on top of
+ " mosh. See
+ set termguicolors
+ let g:gruvbox_italic = 1
+ endif
+ colorscheme gruvbox
- " termdebug split windows
- let g:termdebug_wide = 1
- let termdebugger = $HOME . '/.vim/'
+ " let NERDTreeWinPos="right"
+ let NERDTreeHijackNetrw=0
+ let NERDTreeWinSize=22
+ let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1
+ "au VimEnter * if !argc() | Startify | NERDTree | wincmd w
let g:startify_files_number = 5
let g:startify_session_persistence = 1