au Filetype gnuplot map <buffer> <F5> :call OpenIn("gnuplot -persist") <CR>
-au Filetype c,cpp,objc map <buffer> <F11> :vsplit<CR>:FSRight<CR>
+" Performs a vertial split and a FSHere. For a header file the split is
+" performed to the left, for an implementation file to the right.
+function FSvsplit()
+ " We split to the right on header files
+ if match(expand('%:e'), 'h.*') >= 0
+ execute ':leftabove vsplit'
+ else
+ execute ':rightbelow vsplit'
+ endif
+ execute ':FSHere'
+au Filetype c,cpp,objc map <buffer> <F11> :call FSvsplit()<CR>
" Terminal-based vi report S-F11 as F23
au Filetype c,cpp,objc map <buffer> <S-F11> :FSHere<CR>
au Filetype c,cpp,objc map <buffer> <F23> :FSHere<CR>