File: gpgdir Author: Michael Rash Download: License: GNU General Public License Version: 0.9.8 gpgdir is a perl script that uses the CPAN GnuPG::Interface perl module to encrypt and decrypt directories using a gpg key specified in ~/.gpgdirrc. Gpgdir recursively descends through a directory in order to make sure it encrypts or decrypts every file in a directory and all of its subdirectories. By default the mtime and atime values of all files will be preserved upon encryption and decryption (this can be disabled with the --no-preserve-times option). Note that in --encrypt mode, gpgdir will delete the original files that it successfully encrypts (unless the --no-delete option is given). However, upon startup gpgdir first asks for the decryption password to be sure that a dummy file can successfully be encrypted and decrypted. The initial test can be disabled with the --skip-test option so that a directory can easily be encrypted without having to also specify a password (this is consistent with gpg behavior). Also, note that gpgdir is careful not encrypt hidden files and directories. After all, you probably don't want your ~/.gnupg directory or ~/.bashrc file to be encrypted. Installation: Just run the script (as root) that comes with the gpgdir sources.