]> git.sthu.org Git - pgp-tools.git/blob - gpgdir/gpgdir.1
Added a draft for the new copyright format (Debian packaging).
[pgp-tools.git] / gpgdir / gpgdir.1
1 .\" Process this file with
2 .\" groff -man -Tascii foo.1
3 .\"
4 .TH GPGDIR 1 "May, 2007" Linux
6 .B gpgdir
7 \- recursive directory encryption with GnuPG
9 .B gpgdir \-e|\-d <directory> [options]
11 .B gpgdir
12 is a perl script that uses the CPAN GnuPG::Interface perl module to recursively
13 encrypt and decrypt directories using gpg.
14 .B gpgdir
15 recursively descends through a directory in order to make sure it encrypts or
16 decrypts every file in a directory and all of its subdirectories. By default
17 the mtime and atime values of all files will be preserved upon encryption and
18 decryption (this can be disabled with the
19 .B \-\-no-preserve-times
20 option). Note that in
21 .B \-\-encrypt
22 mode, gpgdir will delete the original files that
23 it successfully encrypts (unless the
24 .B \-\-no-delete
25 option is given). However,
26 upon startup gpgdir first asks for a the decryption password to be sure that a
27 dummy file can successfully be encrypted and decrypted. The initial test can
28 be disabled with the
29 .B \-\-skip-test
30 option so that a directory can easily be encrypted without having to also
31 specify a password (this is consistent with
32 .B gpg
33 behavior). Also, note that gpgdir is careful not encrypt hidden files and
34 directories. After all, you probably don't want your ~/.gnupg directory or
35 ~/.bashrc file to be encrypted. The key
36 .B gpgdir
37 uses to encrypt/decrypt a directory is specified in ~/.gpgdirrc.
39 Finally,
40 .B gpgdir
41 can use the
42 .B wipe
43 program with the
44 .B \-\-Wipe
45 command line option to securely delete the original unencrypted files after they
46 have been successfully encrypted. This elevates the security stance of gpgdir
47 since it is more difficult to recover the unencrypted data associated with
48 files from the filesystem after they are encrypted (unlink() does not erase data
49 blocks even though a file is removed).
52 .TP
53 .BR \-e ", " \-\^\-encrypt\ \<directory>
54 Recursively encrypt all files in the directory specified on the command line.
55 All original files will be deleted (a password check is performed first to make
56 sure that the correct password to unlock the private GnuPG key is known to the
57 user).
58 .TP
59 .BR \-d ", " \-\^\-decrypt\ \<directory>
60 Recursively decrypt all files in the directory specified on the command line.
61 The encrypted .gpg version of each file will be deleted.
62 .TP
63 .BR \-\^\-sign\ \<directory>
64 Recursively sign all files in the directory specified on the command line. For
65 each file, a detached .asc signature will be created.
66 .TP
67 .BR \-\^\-verify\ \<directory>
68 Recursively verify all .asc signatures for files in the directory specified on the
69 command line.
70 .TP
71 .BR \-g ", " \-\^\-gnupg-dir\ \<directory>
72 Specify which .gnupg directory will be used to find GnuPG keys. The default
73 is ~/.gnupg if this option is not used. This option allows gpgdir to be
74 run as one user but use the keys of another user (assuming permissions are
75 setup correctly, etc.).
76 .TP
77 .BR \-p ", " \-\^\-pw-file\ \<pw-file>
78 Read decryption password from
79 .B pw-file
80 instead of typing it on the command line.
81 .TP
82 .BR \-t ", " \-\^\-test-mode
83 Run an encryption and decryption test against a dummy file and exit. This
84 test is always run by default in both
85 .B \-\-encrypt
86 and
87 .B \-\-decrypt
88 mode.
89 .TP
90 .BR \-S ", " \-\^\-Symmetric
91 Instruct
92 .B gpgdir
93 to encrypt to decrypt files using a symmetric cipher supported by GnuPG
94 (CAST5 is commonly used). This results in a significant speed up for the
95 encryption/decryption process.
96 .TP
97 .BR \-T ", " \-\^\-Trial-run
98 Show what encrypt/decrypt actions would take place without actually doing
99 them. The filesystem is not changed in any way in this mode.
100 .TP
101 .BR \-I ", " \-\^\-Interactive
102 Prompt the user before actually encrypting or decrypting each file. This
103 is useful to have fine-grained control over
104 .B gpgdir
105 operations as it recurses through a directory structure.
106 .TP
107 .BR \-F ", " \-\^\-Force
108 Tell
109 .B gpgdir
110 to ignore non-fatal error conditions, such as the inability to encrypt or
111 decrypt individual files because of permissions errors.
112 .TP
113 .BR \-\^\-Exclude\ \<pattern>
114 Instruct gpgdir to skip all files that match
115 .B pattern
116 as a regex match against each filename. This is similar to the
117 .B \-\-exclude
118 option in the standard GNU tar command.
119 .TP
120 .BR \-\^\-Exclude-from\ \<file>
121 Instruct gpgdir to exclude all files matched by patterns listed in
122 .B file.
123 This is similar to the
124 .B \-\-exclude-from
125 the GNU tar command.
126 .TP
127 .BR \-\^\-Include\ \<pattern>
128 Instruct gpgdir to only include files that match
129 .B pattern
130 as a regex match against each filename.
131 .TP
132 .BR \-\^\-Include-from\ \<file>
133 Instruct gpgdir to only include files matched by patterns listed in
134 .B file.
135 .TP
136 .BR \-W ", " \-\^\-Wipe
137 Use the
138 .B wipe
139 program to securely delete files after they have been successfully encrypted.
140 .TP
141 .BR \-O ", " \-\^\-Obfuscate-filename
142 Tell
143 .B gpgdir
144 to obfuscate the file names of files that it encrypts (in \-e mode). The
145 names of each file are stored within the file .gpgdir_map_file for every
146 sub-directory, and this file is itself encrypted. In decryption mode (\-d),
147 the \-O argument reverses the process so that the original files are
148 restored.
149 .TP
150 .BR \-\^\-overwrite-encrypted
151 Overwrite encrypted files even if a previous <file>.gpg file
152 already exists.
153 .TP
154 .BR \-\^\-overwrite-decrypted
155 Overwrite decrypted files even if the previous unencrypted file already exists.
156 .TP
157 .BR \-K ", " \-\^\-Key-id\ \<id>
158 Manually specify a GnuPG key ID from the command line. Because GnuPG
159 supports matching keys with a string,
160 .B id
161 does not strictly have to be a key ID; it can be a string that uniquely
162 matches a key in the GnuPG key ring.
163 .TP
164 .BR \-D ", " \-\^\-Default-key
165 Use the key that GnuPG defines as the default, i.e. the key that is specified
166 by the
167 .B default-key
168 variable in ~/.gnupg/options. If the default-key variable is not defined
169 within ~/.gnupg/options, then GnuPG tries to use the first suitable key on
170 its key ring (the initial encrypt/decrypt test makes sure that the user
171 knows the corresponding password for the key).
172 .TP
173 .BR \-a ", " " \-\^\-agent
174 Instruct
175 .B gpgdir
176 to acquire gpg key password from a running
177 .B gpg-agent
178 instance.
179 .TP
180 .BR \-A ", " \-\^\-Agent-info\ \<connection\ \info>
181 Specify the value of the GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable as returned
182 by the
183 .B gpg-agent \-\-daemon
184 command. If the
185 .B gpgdir \-\-agent
186 command line argument is used instead of
187 .B \-\-Agent-info,
188 then gpgdir assumes that the GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable has already
189 been set in the current shell.
190 .TP
191 .BR \-s ", " " \-\^\-skip-test
192 Skip encryption and decryption test. This will allow
193 .B gpgdir
194 to be used to encrypt a directory without specifying a password (which
195 normally gets used in encryption mode to test to make sure decryption
196 against a dummy file works properly).
197 .TP
198 .BR \-q ", " \-\^\-quiet
199 Print as little as possible to the screen when encrypting or decrypting
200 a directory.
201 .TP
202 .BR \-\^\-no-recurse
203 Instruct gpgdir to not recurse through any subdirectories of the directory
204 that is being encrypted or decrypted.
205 .TP
206 .BR \-\^\-no-password
207 Instruct gpgdir to not ask the user for a password. This is only useful
208 when a gpg key literally has no associated password (this is not common).
209 .TP
210 .BR \-\^\-no-delete
211 Instruct gpgdir to not delete original files at encrypt time.
212 .TP
213 .BR \-\^\-no-preserve times
214 Instruct gpgdir to not preserve original file mtime and atime values
215 upon encryption or decryption.
216 .TP
217 .BR \-l ", " " \-\^\-locale\ \<locale>
218 Provide a locale setting other than the default "C" locale.
219 .TP
220 .BR \-\^\-no-locale
221 Do not set the locale at all so that the default system locale will apply.
222 .TP
223 .BR \-v ", " \-\^\-verbose
224 Run in verbose mode.
225 .TP
226 .BR \-V ", " \-\^\-Version
227 Print version number and exit.
228 .TP
229 .BR \-h ", " \-\^\-help
230 Print usage information and exit.
232 .B ~/.gpgdirrc
233 .RS
234 Contains the key id of the user gpg key that will be used to encrypt
235 or decrypt the files within a directory.
236 .RE
237 .PP
239 The following examples illustrate the command line arguments that could
240 be supplied to gpgdir in a few situations:
241 .PP
242 To encrypt a directory:
243 .PP
244 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir
245 .PP
246 To encrypt a directory, and use the wipe command to securely delete the original
247 unencrypted files:
248 .PP
249 .B $ gpgdir \-W \-e /some/dir
250 .PP
251 To encrypt a directory with the default GnuPG key defined in ~/.gnupg/options:
252 .PP
253 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir \-\-Default-key
254 .PP
255 To decrypt a directory with a key specified in ~/.gpgdirrc:
256 .PP
257 .B $ gpgdir \-d /some/dir
258 .PP
259 To encrypt a directory but skip all filenames that contain the string "host":
260 .PP
261 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir \-\-Exclude host
262 .PP
263 To encrypt a directory but only encrypt those files that contain the string "passwd":
264 .PP
265 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir \-\-Include passwd
266 .PP
267 To acquire the GnuPG key password from a running gpg-agent daemon in order to decrypt
268 a directory (this requires that gpg-agent has the password):
269 .PP
270 .B $ gpgdir \-A /tmp/gpg-H4DBhc/S.gpg-agent:7046:1 \-d /some/dir
271 .PP
272 To encrypt a directory but skip the encryption/decryption test (so you will
273 not be prompted for a decryption password):
274 .PP
275 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir \-s
276 .PP
277 To encrypt a directory and no subdirectories:
278 .PP
279 .B $ gpgdir \-e /some/dir \-\-no-recurse
280 .PP
281 To encrypt root's home directory, but use the GnuPG keys associated with the user "bob":
282 .PP
283 .B # gpgdir \-e /root \-g /home/bob/.gnupg
284 .PP
286 .B gpgdir
287 requires that gpg, the Gnu Privacy Guard (http://www.gnupg.org) is installed.
288 .B gpgdir
289 also requires the GnuPG::Interface perl module from CPAN, but it is bundled with
290 .B gpgdir
291 and is installed in /usr/lib/gpgdir at install-time so it does not pollute the
292 system perl library tree.
294 .SH "SEE ALSO"
295 .BR gpg (1)
298 Michael Rash <mbr@cipherdyne.org>
301 Many people who are active in the open source community have contributed to gpgdir;
302 see the
304 file in the gpgdir sources.
307 .SH BUGS
308 Send bug reports to mbr@cipherdyne.org. Suggestions and/or comments are
309 always welcome as well.
312 .B gpgdir
313 is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and the latest
314 version may be downloaded from
315 .B http://www.cipherdyne.org