]> git.sthu.org Git - pgp-tools.git/blob - control
[pgp-tools.git] / control
1 Source: signing-party
2 Section: misc
3 Priority: extra
4 Maintainer: Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@debian.org>
5 Uploaders: Simon Richter <sjr@debian.org>, Peter Palfrader <weasel@debian.org>, Christoph Berg <myon@debian.org>
6 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
7 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
8 XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pgp-tools
9 XS-Vcs-Browse: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pgp-tools
11 Package: signing-party
12 Architecture: all
13 Depends: gnupg (>= 1.3.92), libgnupg-interface-perl, libtext-template-perl, libmime-perl, libmailtools-perl (>= 1.62), mailx
14 Recommends: exim4 | mail-transport-agent, libtext-iconv-perl | libintl-perl | recode, dialog | whiptail, libpaper-utils (>= 1.1.13)
15 Provides: keylookup
16 Conflicts: keylookup (<< 3.0)
17 Description: Various OpenPGP related tools
18 signing-party is a collection for all kinds of PGP/GnuPG related things,
19 including signing scripts, party preparation scripts, etc.
20 .
21 * caff: CA - Fire and Forget signs and mails a key
22 * pgp-clean: removes all non-self signatures from key
23 * pgp-fixkey: removes broken packets from keys
24 * gpg-mailkeys: simply mail out a signed key to its owner
25 * gpg-key2ps: generate PostScript file with fingerprint paper strips
26 * gpglist: show who signed which of your UIDs
27 * gpgsigs: annotates list of GnuPG keys with already done signatures
28 * keylookup: ncurses wrapper around gpg --search
29 .
30 Homepage: http://pgp-tools.alioth.debian.org/
32 Package: keylookup
33 Architecture: all
34 Depends: signing-party (>= 0.4.2)
35 Description: transitional package to pull in signing-party
36 A nice console tool to fetch public keys from keyservers.
37 .
38 keylookup has been merged with signing-party as of 0.4.2.
39 .
40 This package is empty and exists to facilitate upgrades.
41 It can safely be removed.