]> git.sthu.org Git - libstick.git/blob - booleanmatrix.h
[libstick.git] / booleanmatrix.h
1 #ifndef booleanmatrix_h_AechohNgakoghahV
2 #define booleanmatrix_h_AechohNgakoghahV
4 #include <stdint.h>
5 #include <cassert>
6 #include <cstdlib>
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <vector>
9 #include <list>
10 #include <set>
11 #include <ostream>
12 #include <iterator>
15 namespace libstick {
18 /** The base class of boolean_colmatrix and boolean_colrowmatrix which implements
19 * the common logic of both. */
20 template<class IT, class D>
21 class boolean_colmatrix_base {
23 public:
24 typedef IT index_type;
25 typedef std::vector<index_type> column_type;
26 typedef D derived;
28 protected:
29 /** Create a matrix with 'width' columns, initalized with zero entries. */
30 boolean_colmatrix_base(size_t width) :
31 cols(width) {
32 }
34 public:
35 /** Get height resp. width of the matrix. */
36 size_t width() const {
37 return cols.size();
38 }
40 /** Get the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
41 bool get(index_type r, index_type c) const {
42 assert(c < width());
43 const column_type &col = get_column(c);
44 return binary_search(col.begin(), col.end(), r);
45 }
47 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
48 void set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
49 get_derived()->_set(r, c, value);
50 }
52 /** For each of the 'count'-many (row-index, column-pair) pair in 'indices', set the specific value. */
53 void set_all(index_type indices[][2], size_t count, bool value) {
54 for (unsigned i=0; i < count; ++i)
55 set(indices[i][0], indices[i][1], value);
56 }
58 /** Get the c-th column. */
59 const column_type& get_column(index_type c) const {
60 assert(c < width());
61 return cols[c];
62 }
64 /** Add the column-vector 'col' to the c-th column. Note that 'col'
65 * actually contains the list of row-indices that are 1. */
66 void add_column(index_type c, const column_type &col) {
67 assert(c < width());
69 // Flip all entries that are set in 'col'.
70 for (typename column_type::const_iterator it = col.begin(); it != col.end(); ++it)
71 set(*it, c, !get(*it, c));
72 }
74 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
75 bool operator==(const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &m) const {
76 return cols == m.cols;
77 }
79 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
80 bool operator!=(const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &m) const {
81 return !(*this == m);
82 }
84 /** Print index pairs of the 1s as { {r, c}, {r, c}, {r, c} } */
85 void print_indexpairs(std::ostream &os) const {
86 bool first=true;
88 os << "{";
89 for (unsigned c=0; c < width(); ++c) {
90 const column_type &col = get_column(c);
91 for (typename column_type::const_iterator it = col.begin(); it != col.end(); ++it) {
92 if (first)
93 first = false;
94 else
95 os << ",";
96 os << " {" << *it << ", " << c << "}";
97 }
98 }
99 os << " }";
100 }
102 protected:
103 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
104 void _set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
105 assert(c < width());
107 column_type &col = cols.at(c);
108 // Let us see where to insert the new element
109 typename column_type::iterator it = lower_bound(col.begin(), col.end(), r);
110 bool exists = (it != col.end() && *it == r);
111 assert(get(r,c) == exists);
113 // Add 'r' to c-th column
114 if (value) {
115 // r is new, insert it
116 if (!exists)
117 col.insert(it, r);
118 assert(get(r,c));
119 }
120 // Remove the element
121 else {
122 if (exists)
123 col.erase(it);
124 assert(!get(r,c));
125 }
127 #ifndef NDEBUG
128 // C++11 would have is_sorted
129 for (unsigned i=1; i < col.size(); i++)
130 assert(col[i-1] < col[i]);
131 #endif
132 }
134 private:
135 /** The matrix is the set of columns. */
136 std::vector<column_type> cols;
138 /** A cast to the derived type */
139 derived* get_derived() {
140 return static_cast<derived*>(this);
141 }
142 };
145 /** This is boolean matrix that is a std::vector of column-vectors and in each
146 * column-vector we save the row-indices of the 1s. It is designed to handle a
147 * few 1s and column-wise operations well. */
148 template<class IT=uint32_t>
149 class boolean_colmatrix : public boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colmatrix<IT> > {
151 public:
152 typedef IT index_type;
153 typedef boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colmatrix<IT> > base;
155 /** Create a matrix with 'width' columns, initalized with zero entries. */
156 boolean_colmatrix(size_t columns) :
157 base(columns) {
158 }
160 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
161 void _set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
162 base::_set(r, c, value);
163 }
164 };
167 /** The base class of boolean_rowmatrix and boolean_colrowmatrix which implements
168 * the common logic of both. */
169 template<class IT, class D>
170 class boolean_rowmatrix_base {
172 public:
173 typedef IT index_type;
174 typedef std::vector<index_type> row_type;
175 typedef D derived;
177 protected:
178 /** Create a matrix with 'height' rows, initalized with zero entries.
179 * */
180 boolean_rowmatrix_base(size_t height) :
181 rows(height) {
182 }
184 public:
185 /** Get height resp. width of the matrix. */
186 size_t height() const {
187 return rows.size();
188 }
190 /** Get the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
191 bool get(index_type r, index_type c) const {
192 assert(r < height());
193 const row_type &row = get_row(r);
194 return binary_search(row.begin(), row.end(), c);
195 }
197 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
198 void set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
199 get_derived()->_set(r, c, value);
200 }
202 /** For each of the 'count'-many (row-index, column-pair) pair in 'indices', set the specific value. */
203 void set_all(index_type indices[][2], size_t count, bool value) {
204 for (unsigned i=0; i < count; ++i)
205 set(indices[i][0], indices[i][1], value);
206 }
208 /** Get the r-th row. */
209 const row_type& get_row(index_type r) const {
210 assert(r < height());
211 return rows[r];
212 }
214 /** Add the row-vector 'row' to the r-th row. Note that 'row'
215 * actually contains the list of column-indices that are 1. */
216 void add_row(index_type r, const row_type &row) {
217 assert(r < height());
219 // Flip all entries that are set in 'row'.
220 for (typename row_type::const_iterator it = row.begin(); it != row.end(); ++it)
221 set(r, *it, !get(r, *it));
222 }
224 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
225 bool operator==(const boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D> &m) const {
226 return rows == m.rows;
227 }
229 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
230 bool operator!=(const boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D> &m) const {
231 return !(*this == m);
232 }
234 protected:
235 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
236 void _set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
237 assert(r < height());
239 row_type &row = rows.at(r);
240 // Let us see where to insert/remove the new element
241 typename row_type::iterator it = lower_bound(row.begin(), row.end(), c);
242 bool exists = (it != row.end() && *it == c);
243 assert(get(r,c) == exists);
245 // Add 'r' to c-th column
246 if (value) {
247 // r is new, insert it
248 if (!exists)
249 row.insert(it, c);
250 assert(get(r,c));
251 }
252 // Remove the element
253 else {
254 if (exists)
255 row.erase(it);
256 assert(!get(r,c));
257 }
259 #ifndef NDEBUG
260 // C++11 would have is_sorted
261 for (unsigned i=1; i < row.size(); i++)
262 assert(row[i-1] < row[i]);
263 #endif
264 }
266 private:
267 derived* get_derived() {
268 return static_cast<derived*>(this);
269 }
271 /** The matrix is the set of columns. */
272 std::vector<row_type> rows;
273 };
276 /** This is boolean matrix that is a std::vector of row-vectors and in each
277 * row-vector we save the column-indices of the 1s. It is designed to handle a
278 * few 1s and row-wise operations well. */
279 template<class IT=uint32_t>
280 class boolean_rowmatrix : public boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, boolean_rowmatrix<IT> > {
282 public:
283 typedef IT index_type;
284 typedef boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, boolean_rowmatrix<IT> > base;
286 /** Create a matrix with 'height' rows, initalized with zero entries. */
287 boolean_rowmatrix(size_t height) :
288 base(height) {
289 }
291 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
292 void _set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
293 base::_set(r, c, value);
294 }
295 };
298 /** This is a boolean matrix that supports. It is designed to handle a
299 * few 1s and row- and column-wise operations well. */
300 template<class IT=uint32_t>
301 class boolean_colrowmatrix : public boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> >,
302 public boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> > {
304 public:
305 typedef boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> > colbase;
306 typedef boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> > rowbase;
308 public:
309 typedef IT index_type;
311 /** Create a size x size matrix, initialized with zeros. */
312 boolean_colrowmatrix(size_t size) :
313 colbase(size),
314 rowbase(size) {
315 }
317 /** Override implementation. */
318 void _set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
319 colbase::_set(r, c, value);
320 rowbase::_set(r, c, value);
321 }
323 public:
324 /** Get height resp. width of the matrix. */
325 size_t size() const {
326 assert(colbase::width() == rowbase::height());
327 return colbase::width();
328 }
330 /** Set the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
331 void set(index_type r, index_type c, bool value) {
332 //Calling set() for one base suffices, static polymorphism
333 //calls _set() anyhow.
334 //rowbase::set(r, c, value);
335 colbase::set(r, c, value);
336 }
338 /** For each of the 'count'-many (row-index, column-pair) pair in 'indices', set the specific value. */
339 void set_all(index_type indices[][2], size_t count, bool value) {
340 colbase::set_all(indices, count, value);
341 }
343 /** Get the matrix entry at row 'r' and column 'c'. */
344 bool get(index_type r, index_type c) const {
345 assert(colbase::get(r, c) == rowbase::get(r, c));
346 return colbase::get(r, c);
347 }
349 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
350 bool operator==(const boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> &m) const {
351 assert(rowbase::operator==(m) == colbase::operator==(m));
352 return colbase::operator==(m);
353 }
355 /** Two matrices are equal iff they have the same entries */
356 bool operator!=(const boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> &m) const {
357 return !(*this == m);
358 }
360 /** Multiply with matrix b from the right */
361 template<class D>
362 boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> operator*(const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &b) const {
363 boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> c(size());
364 multiply_matrix(c, *this, b);
365 return c;
366 }
367 };
370 /** Counts the number of common elements in two sorted vectors. Equal to
371 * counting the number of elements given by std::set_intersection. */
372 template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
373 size_t count_set_intersection (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2)
374 {
375 size_t count = 0;
377 // As long as we did not either end, look for common elements
378 while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
379 {
380 if (*first1 < *first2)
381 ++first1;
382 else if (*first2 < *first1)
383 ++first2;
384 // Element is common to both
385 else {
386 ++count;
387 ++first1;
388 ++first2;
389 }
390 }
391 return count;
392 }
394 /** Multiply a*b and save the product in 'result'. It is assumed that 'result' is intially empty and has appropriate size. */
395 template<class IT, class D1, class D2, class RT>
396 void multiply_matrix(RT &result, const boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D1> &a, const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D2> &b) {
397 assert(a.height() == b.width());
399 for (unsigned r=0; r < a.height(); ++r) {
400 const typename boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D1>::row_type &row = a.get_row(r);
401 for (unsigned c=0; c < b.width(); ++c) {
402 const typename boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D2>::column_type &col = b.get_column(c);
403 if (count_set_intersection(row.begin(), row.end(), col.begin(), col.end()) % 2 == 1)
404 result.set(r, c, true);
405 }
406 }
407 }
409 template<class MT>
410 MT create_unit_matrix(size_t size) {
411 MT mat(size);
412 for (unsigned i=0; i < size; ++i)
413 mat.set(i, i, true);
414 return mat;
415 }
417 template<class IT>
418 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> &mat) {
420 os << " ";
421 for (unsigned c=0; c < mat.size(); ++c) {
422 const unsigned d = (c % 10);
423 if (d > 0)
424 os << d;
425 else
426 os << " ";
427 }
428 os << std::endl;
430 for (unsigned r=0; r < mat.size(); ++r) {
431 const unsigned d = (r % 10);
432 if (d > 0)
433 os << d;
434 else
435 os << " ";
437 for (unsigned c=0; c < mat.size(); ++c)
438 os << (mat.get(r,c) ? "X" : ".");
440 if (r < mat.size() - 1)
441 os << std::endl;
442 }
443 return os;
444 }
446 template<class IT>
447 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> &mat) {
448 const boolean_colrowmatrix<IT> &m = mat;
449 return os << m;
450 }
452 template<class IT, class D>
453 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D> &mat) {
454 for (unsigned r=0; r < mat.height(); ++r) {
455 // Get the sorted r-th row
456 std::list<IT> row(mat.get_row(r).size());
457 copy(mat.get_row(r).begin(), mat.get_row(r).end(), row.begin());
459 os << "|";
460 // Print the elements, and remove them
461 for (unsigned c=0; row.size() > 0; ++c) {
462 if (row.front() == c) {
463 os << "X";
464 row.pop_front();
465 } else
466 os << ".";
467 }
469 if (r < mat.height() - 1)
470 os << std::endl;
471 }
472 return os;
473 }
475 template<class IT, class D>
476 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D> &mat) {
477 const boolean_rowmatrix_base<IT, D> &m = mat;
478 return os << m;
479 }
481 template<class IT, class D>
482 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &mat) {
483 // The sorted columns
484 std::vector<std::list<IT> > cols;
485 // The max height (max. value) of all columns
486 IT height = 0;
488 for (unsigned c=0; c < mat.width(); ++c) {
489 // Get the sorted c-th column
490 std::list<IT> col(mat.get_column(c).size());
491 copy(mat.get_column(c).begin(), mat.get_column(c).end(), col.begin());
492 cols.push_back(col);
494 os << "-";
496 if (col.size() != 0)
497 height = std::max(height, col.back());
498 }
500 os << std::endl;
502 for (unsigned r=0; r <= height; ++r) {
503 // Print the elements, and remove them
504 for (unsigned c=0; c < mat.width(); ++c) {
505 std::list<IT> &col = cols.at(c);
506 // This column is already empty
507 if (col.size() == 0)
508 os << " ";
509 else if (col.front() == r) {
510 os << "X";
511 col.pop_front();
512 } else
513 os << ".";
514 }
516 os << std::endl;
517 }
518 return os;
519 }
521 template<class IT, class D>
522 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &mat) {
523 const boolean_colmatrix_base<IT, D> &m = mat;
524 return os << m;
525 }
527 }
529 #endif